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Why Is It Labeled Such A Bad Crime ?

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Hare coursing ?

For me, its just to fill the pot and see a dog run after one well, nothing else, if it does not catch 5 outa 5, so be it.

Are these clips below, show what most hare coursing folks are like, or is it all made up ? Why are cops, farmers ect, so against it ?

I think if done right and not in gangs, (where money seems to be involved, more than just hunting for the pot), it should be allowed.








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Regardless what you do ie (this morning whilst on way to work I stopped and helped a ewe in distress in lamb deliver, I even waited for farmer to show up he was very thankful etc and asked how I knew

there is actually a word for it its called propaganda pal   Propaganda is the spreading of information in support of a cause. It’s not so important whether the information is true or false or i

If this was still legal and it was honest guys hunting hares in a fair way with permission then there would be no propaganda/publicity. 9/10 the hares are the least of the farmers worries. It's the pr

When you see the idiot posting videos online it's easy to see why it gets bad press ! A lot of the so called hunting sites you see on social media are embarrassing! A dog hunting its prey is what we wanna see but idiots in every form of life !!

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Journalists have to come up with articles to pay their mortgages, buy their flash cars, pay for the holidays in the sun etc, and the police and courts like to make easy money, who are the real criminals ?

and none of them ever seen or experienced natures different seasons of beauty or any country life and how its managed

shame on them assholes

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Regardless what you do ie (this morning whilst on way to work I stopped and helped a ewe in distress in lamb deliver, I even waited for farmer to show up he was very thankful etc and asked how I knew what to do etc I said it's not exactly rocket science and not a million miles from delivering pups, he then asked what dogs I had, and me being shirt and tie he was surprised when I said lurchers and terrier, and asked him not to tar us all with same brush, he then said he'd had a bad experience with Lurcher lads and more or less once bitten twice shy, did however give me permission to ferret, and use air rifle although I'm not really into that...

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Regardless what you do ie (this morning whilst on way to work I stopped and helped a ewe in distress in lamb deliver, I even waited for farmer to show up he was very thankful etc and asked how I knew what to do etc I said it's not exactly rocket science and not a million miles from delivering pups, he then asked what dogs I had, and me being shirt and tie he was surprised when I said lurchers and terrier, and asked him not to tar us all with same brush, he then said he'd had a bad experience with Lurcher lads and more or less once bitten twice shy, did however give me permission to ferret, and use air rifle although I'm not really into that...

That's the way to do it...like water dripping from the roof of a limestone cave and eventually forming stalactites, stalagmites and pillars...if we keep showing what we do in a positive (the real) light and change opinions one at a time, we may make a difference.


When I had my first lurcher I presumed everybody would label me so I always said it was just a pet. When I decided to be proud of what I do with my dogs and try to get people talking about the need to use working dogs I was pleasantly surprised at how many people were positive. You wouldn't believe the number of people who's "Grandad used to go ferreting."

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Gut got 4 months in prison up hete the other day day for hare coursing

Crazy Britain.

And lads on them police car chase programmes.

Steal a car.crash into another car.drive like a total prick daytime through built up areas.

And they get a suspended sentence.

This country's courts are very strange indeed.

You mess with badgers and get off worse in court than if you are a pedo

Edited by king
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there is actually a word for it its called propaganda pal


Propaganda is the spreading of information in support of a cause. It’s not so important whether the information is true or false or if the cause is just or not


The word propaganda is often used in a negative sense, especially for politicians who make false claims to get elected or spread rumors to get their way. In fact, any campaign that is used to persuade can be called propaganda

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I think a yearly membership would work and you had to be a member of a coursing club, say £300 per year to go coursing in the season and record number of hares killed or even have a cap on how many hares you could kill in a season, and anyone caught coursing without a licence/ membership should be prosecuted ! This way you would keep the hare population healthy and the government would also benefit which is what it all boils down to at the end of the day

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If this was still legal and it was honest guys hunting hares in a fair way with permission then there would be no propaganda/publicity. 9/10 the hares are the least of the farmers worries. It's the problems that come with the majority of scumbags that don't respect anything. There's decent folk out there that lived for coursing and respected everything that went with it, including their quarry. I don't blame any farmer who calls the police as I have seen first hand the damaged caused, not to mention the farm equipment that goes missing. The fact is that these people who trash land, gates, worry stock and abuse the people who own them should not be labelled as hare coursers.....because they are not.

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