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Starting To Look For A ____ X ____ Pup...

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Hello all,


It's been a few years since the last dog's untimely demise but the timing is looking good for me to get a new pup, my other half has even offered to pay for it for my birthday which is kind - i think she might be stalling for time before having a baby :hmm:


People on here have a said lot of good things to say about some of the gun dog x's as good all round dogs for fur and feather. Having had a springer and a lab growing up and more recently a whip/sal/grey the idea of something in between sounds appealing and suitable for spending days with me out in the woods. There was some talk on here recently about a labXgrey but all seems to have gone quiet.


I'm not in a massive hurry, open to other x's as possibilities and happy to wait until the right one comes along that fits the bill. My knowledge is nothing compared to many of you on here so i'd like to hear from you any more advice (like the merits of 1st or 2nd x's) or thoughts on other crosses in that general area. I guess mainly - if anyone knows of any planned litters out there that are looking for a good working home i'd be interested to hear from you.


Cheers all





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Socks, Somewhereyournot - I'd sort of over looked the collieX - the classic cocktail! To be honest, i guess, thinking about it now, my experience of collies, both as pets (seems like a cruel concept to me) and to a lesser degree working sheep dogs is that they can be a bit neurotic but the fact that it's so often used as a cross obviously has a lot to say for their ability - as you say, if they're well bred then perhaps that's not an issue?


I certainly wouldn't discount them as a possibility and I'd be interested to meet/see some at work for sure



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Any idea on the size you're wanting it to be?


A Collie based lurcher would be ideal and if you wanted something else then a racey GWP x Grey would have a great coat and do what you wanted it to do.

Not worried about size really. I admire pointers, considered them a few years ago but they weren't really the type of dog that I thought I could give what they wanted/needed, like I said in the thread starter, I'm liking what i've been reading about the gun dog crosses.


There's another thread out there at the moment about personality traits of dogs and how we get on with the different types and how it takes a lot of dogs before you find the breed/mix that you hit it off with.

I bought the sal/whip/grey out the back of Countryman's Weekly, having read what I thought was a fair bit about them but it wasn't until spending time with him that I really learnt what sort of a dog he was, I loved him and he was great to have around, I wish he was still about but time moves on and now i'd like something a little more leaning towards the gun dog side... As i said above, my experience of collies isn't great having had to babysit one for a week, i felt like i needed a holiday afterwards :blink:

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Lab x greyhound. Great knockabout dogs.

Know of any coming litters out there DustyJ with a good background?
There's a Labrador lurcher pup on gumtree if you want to have a look just thought I'd let you know


If possible I'd like to find one through here if I can, but thanks for the notification, I'll certainly have a look and see... cheers

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