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Driving To Work And Back

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He's taking the piss. A lad who took me to work wouldn't take a penny of me....and for this man I wouldn't of had the job.I posted it through his door ..

I wouldnt take any money off him after hearing he was bragging he be geting the bus from now on

Tell him he'll be paying you a score a week from now on and make sure he understands that if he had just stuck his hand in his pocket in the first place you would have refused and not took a penny off

Does he drive himself?.... has he any idea what an MOT costs... a yearly service... insurance?..,, and he's dodging petrol money.... not surprised csa are after him... minge bag.... probably peel an orange in his own pocket!

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I done the same thing. I just expected this lad to offer giving me some fuel money. Anyway 3 weeks go bye no offer. So I pulled him up, he was like... Yeah yeah that's no problem I give it to you in the morning. Anyway 4 weeks now no money. So I left for work as normal Monday morning and drove straight passed the little f****r in the morning, you should of seen his face lol. He never got to work all that week and then for about 6 weeks he got his birds mum to pick him up and drop him off.

He said why'd you drive past me? I said cause I'm not your f***ing taxi driver you want a lift put your hand in your pocket. We sorted it out and he ended up giving me a £10 a day. Which covered the fuel all week.

Which is what I'd tell your mate pay up or f**k off!!!

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I personally would ask him to help me out with some menial job if he refused i would tell him to enjoy the bus. If he did help out while he was working i would let him know to cease the bragging, nobody should be spat on for helping someone out. I wouldn't usually take money off young blokes, i know i appreciated a helping hand when I was young and broke and i have always given those people my good will at every chance.

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Ask him straight. Tell him what you've heard and wait for his reaction. Then, if you don't like it, stop giving him a lift.

There's nothing wrong with helping someone.


I agree that he should have offered something toward the fuel cost. It's a shame that so many people today seem to lack good old fashioned manners.

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The issue only seems to be since you've realised how much he's saving, profit is a dirty word these days! Tbh if he's that chuffed about saving 50 quid he's mentioned it, probably means a lot to him, everyone makes money off someone

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make him pay... got to learn to pay your way through life and the sooner he learns the leson better for him.


two birds with 1 stone as he will also learn to keep his mouth shut if he has been bragging

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