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Lost Ferret!


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My ferrets escaped this afternoon. I found my jil in the garden but my hob has taken himself for a wander.

It's not the first time he's gone walkies, but there is rat poison in some of the gardens down from mine.

Does anybody know if he's likely to eat any of it?

I've put a live capture trap out, baited up with a chicken wing, so I hope he'll go for it.

The trouble is, there are alot of overgrown hedges on the estate where he could be hiding, and he's got polecat markings, so now it's dark I wont be able to see him.

My kids are very upset as he's as soft as a sack of sh*t, and very playfull compared to my jil.

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Now as its dark,get your lamp out or a good torch if you dont have one and either squeek in the area you think he might be as you would a fox...this should attract its attention or the good old fashioned whistle as some do with their stinkers at feeding times,might be worth a try ;) good luck finding him

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The wife's out with the torch, right now and the lamp is on charge as we speak, and I've left the floodlight on near the hutch. I usually feed them at night and they asociate the light with their dinner, fingers crossed!

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Gaz talked a lot of sense there, mate :good:


Regards rat bait? I shouldn't worry about that - if he's been fed his natural diet. I often say the only use I'd have for " Complete / Dry 'Feed'" is to Use for rat bait! Nothing else would, given a choice, go near the shit.


No. Any baits used around ye should be in the various forms of cereal based, probably waxy blocks, or else plain grain. There are some 'Pasta' baits, but let's not go over board here.


Chances of a ferret finding some rat bait and deciding to tuck in are truly negligable. Even if he did, once ye got him back ye'd soon see he was acting like a c*** and it's straight to the vet's for a major jab of vitamin K1.


Truth is, he'll probably be back home, safe and sound, before long ;)

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My ferrets escaped this afternoon. I found my jil in the garden but my hob has taken himself for a wander.

It's not the first time he's gone walkies, but there is rat poison in some of the gardens down from mine.

Does anybody know if he's likely to eat any of it?

I've put a live capture trap out, baited up with a chicken wing, so I hope he'll go for it.

The trouble is, there are alot of overgrown hedges on the estate where he could be hiding, and he's got polecat markings, so now it's dark I wont be able to see him.

My kids are very upset as he's as soft as a sack of sh*t, and very playfull compared to my jil.

Aye it's shite losing them, but it happens. They're escape experts and exploit any opportunity. I do hope you get him back. I've shed tears in the past, I'm not shamed to admit, for a lost friend. ;)

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Just come in, no joy. will try again a little later. Last time someone lost a ferret on the estate, one of the neighbours spotted it on the way to work the next morning, so i'm not giving up hope yet!


Cheers for the replies. :thumbs:

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spotted it on the way to work the next morning, so i'm not giving up hope yet!


Cheers for the replies. :thumbs:




i can speak from the same experiance mate, our big hob escaped and we lookd for days!!! no sign untill my brother was on his way back from a shooting outing and he spotted a white thing running down the road :D the little stinker was abit hungry and had a few ticks on him, but he soon recovered :boxing: we now have a new security system inplace 8) padlocks :clapper: i dont think the stinkers can escape now......



devvo :drink:

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Hope you get him back mate i don,t think he,ll be far the only one i lost overnight i found the following morning not 50yds away from where she went missing..if your known as the ferretman on your estate im sure the kids knocking about may come across him :thumbs: Keep the faith...

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No sign of the fat git yet!, but i'll go out again later with the lamp. All the neighbours know he's missing and have promised to keep an eye out for him, as did the milkman. The wife went out while I was in work, and told a few people with gardens that back on to our estate.

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