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A young keepers dream .In the days of gibbets [or gibblets lol] our head keeper used to pay for vermin on display and laughed at the mutilated corpses hanging up minus this and that .It was pence ,a r

in my youth there was a company in Cornwall called cobbledicks, and they used to buy everything, fox pelts were just laid out flat on a bin bag wet and rolled up into a sausage with an elastic band ro

Cobbledicks and Veniards;those names bring back memories. The latter were paying 25p a squirrel tail in the late 80s and I recall making £125 one winter with the .22 and just a couple of Fenn traps .

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  On 21/03/2016 at 18:59, myersbg said:


  On 21/03/2016 at 17:51, tilimangro said:


What do they buy mole skins for?

Fly tying

Think there's a fishing lure company in the US who advertise each year for squirrel tails. They only offer a few pence per tail.

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  On 21/03/2016 at 19:39, EDDIE B said:


  On 21/03/2016 at 18:59, myersbg said:


  On 21/03/2016 at 17:51, tilimangro said:

What do they buy mole skins for?

Fly tying

Think there's a fishing lure company in the US who advertise each year for squirrel tails. They only offer a few pence per tail.

i used to get 50p each back in the early 80s, did,nt realise just how lucky we were then
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Veniards , who sell fly tying eqp were paying 30p for top quality mole skins.

Mepps in the US are paying between 16 and 35 cents for squirrel tails depending on quality, but they give a better deal if you take lures instead.

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  On 21/03/2016 at 23:13, myersbg said:

Veniards , who sell fly tying eqp were paying 30p for top quality mole skins.

Mepps in the US are paying between 16 and 35 cents for squirrel tails depending on quality, but they give a better deal if you take lures instead.

That's the one!

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E.Veniard ,that's the company that used to buy our skins ,wet and wrapped skin to skin and salted .Brings back the smell straight away .As said snaring was the way to get top dollar as was no moult marks ,blue patches .Took that part of my life for granted I suppose .Us beat keepers would never get a night out if it weren't for skin money .Mate in hunt service used to go on holiday off skin money years ago but I guess that's gone now .

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  On 22/03/2016 at 18:40, foxdropper said:

E.Veniard ,that's the company that used to buy our skins ,wet and wrapped skin to skin and salted .Brings back the smell straight away .As said snaring was the way to get top dollar as was no moult marks ,blue patches .Took that part of my life for granted I suppose .Us beat keepers would never get a night out if it weren't for skin money .Mate in hunt service used to go on holiday off skin money years ago but I guess that's gone now .

in my youth there was a company in Cornwall called cobbledicks, and they used to buy everything, fox pelts were just laid out flat on a bin bag wet and rolled up into a sausage with an elastic band round and struck in the freezer, when the freezer was full it was just packed in a cardboard box and posted off, he would grade them and send you a cheque, fox pelts were between £15/25 squirrel tails 50p hares masks, jays wings and just about everything else all had value we even used to get bags of shells from the beach and he would pay you for them by weight, the Chinese chip shop used to buy all the fish we caught and the zoo would buy pretty much anything that was to damaged to sell to the local game dealer, with a bit of scrap metal all paid out in cash,it's know wonder I never took my first job until I was 21, how things have changed and not for the better I,m sad to say
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  On 25/03/2016 at 09:58, whippet 99 said:

a lot of tight ass hunts put the skin money straight against there offal too bring the bill down instead of letting there staff have it ,...

mate on the beagles keeps there skin money , aint much but it helps

Then there's tight arsehole huntsman, that do 10% of the skinning at most & pocket all the skin money!!

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Cobbledicks and Veniards;those names bring back memories. The latter were paying 25p a squirrel tail in the late 80s and I recall making £125 one winter with the .22 and just a couple of Fenn traps . They were good payers and rarely rejected a tail. I didn't bother with the mole skins. They paid 30p a skin but they had to be pinned and dried into six inch squares and sent off in bundles of ten. By the end of the day enthusiasm for spending the evening at the kitchen table with a razor blade and pot of drawing pins had waned.

A few of my moles still go to a fly-tying instructor who skins them himself and adds the pelt to a starter kit for his new students.

I once was sacked from a driving job(I hated it anyway) for picking-up road casualty foxes for their skins.The van stunk so much no one else would use it. I can't remember the exact cause but it didn't help that the heater was stuck on full power.

Edited by comanche
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A young keepers dream .In the days of gibbets [or gibblets lol] our head keeper used to pay for vermin on display and laughed at the mutilated corpses hanging up minus this and that .It was pence ,a relic of a bygone day when keepers were payed on performance .We got our money at the ends of season ball and competition was fierce between the 4 of us to be top earner lol .Photos from my diary 1986




Photos of photos ,can anybody spin them round please ?




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