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People's Personalities And Dogs

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Iv been thinking lately do dog breeds and temperment work better with people's personalities?

I love a dogs that committed loves to hunt and never gives up hence why I love bull in my lurchers and I getting on well with my terriers !

I find with my bitch that's got collie in her she seem like sometimes it's all abit to much effort and can blow hot and cold depends what moods she's in ! Iv seen her out hunt hounds some days then the next stuffs been caught and she hasn't left my side where's as my bull X bitch and terriers are always up for a hunt even if their legs were hanging off

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To me, temperament is the most important thing, that and the way the dog works. I can't stand lazy dogs that just hang around waiting for something to happen. I want a dog that MAKES things happen ... for mooching and bushing at any rate. Even the catch dogs need to be sharp and on the ball, not just pottering along while others do all the work. For me there is no such thing as purely a catch dog. I have never had any Bull in my lurchers, and with the Airedale things I certainly don't need it. I certainly know what you mean about the Collie thing though.

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well as i am a person with poor patience,most dogs piss me off alot of times , and as my wife always said to me the last 30 years, you be better off with a goldfish, than a lurcher, and she right lol.As long as the the dog will come back when called i am happy, a lurcher as not got to be over clever to catch a rabbit day or night, its instinct there need not brains :yes: .i find collies xs think to much, in stead of just doing the job at hand , bullxs were ok but lacked wind + agilty for me . my dog Buck 1x gsdx grey now, ticking all the boxes, speed+agilty, guts, and enough brain just does the job, doesn't think about it , and very docile temp when not working :thumbs::yes: , a big dog good on rabbits, as all quarry thats in front of him, maybe not eveybody cup of tea , but deff suits me, and being round lurcher 30 odd years now seen lots of different xs work , i know a good'en when i see it . :thumbs:

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:hmm:It's a strange thing,...but I have found,...when you use your dogs as part of your living,..as a Sheepdog, Gundog,..or even as a Pest Controllers ,.marking/catch dog, etc.....you start to look at the situation in a different manner....Facts are,...you need the dog to help you do the job,...and like most employees, it don't pay to feck them up, bully 'em,..or engage in a battle of wills with them....


To do so is time wasting... :yes: .


Personaly,.if a critter doesn't want to work for me,...with me,...I terminate his employment. :whistling:


Men who go through their lives, blaming this or that breed, for their own shortcomings are fools.


Life is far too short to waste it on dogs (or people)..that are not on the same wavelength,....best to move on.. :thumbs:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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Absolutely correct Phil. Trouble is, most of us need to experience several breeds or types before we find the one that suits us perfectly. It can be a hard road to finding that dog, and the ones that go before it pay the price of our learning curve.

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Been saying this for a long time. That's why this site makes me laugh with everyone jumping in giving there two pence worth about other people's choices.

If you got something that your happy with , stick with it. Regardless what anyone else says. There's different xs all doin the same jobs as each other's, more or less just got find what pros suit u and also what cons your willing to put up with. If you don't bond with a dog right, I think the dog will never try hard enough for you.

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'Men who go through their lives, blaming this or that breed, for their own shortcomings are fools.'



Very true......a dog is a dog.......make of it the best......the handlers training ability, experience, patience and realistic expectations count for A LOT.....of successes and failures.

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took me quite a while to find a dog that clicks with my personality perfectly, had some that were a really bad fit so i made sure they went to good working homes that suited them better...


the dog that matches my personality is a dutch herder so im looking for a dutch x greyhound in another year or so once i have the time and energy to give a pup 110%

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I think breeds do come in to it to an extent,but even within a litter you will get different personalities .

Their upbringing and experiences growing up will also alter their personalities.

Over trained puppies that aren't allowed to be pups will lose some of that personality.

I prefer a dog that is not looking over it's shoulder to see if I'm giving an order or calling it to heel.

Nothing gets my back up more than people who say stuff like,Saluki crosses are wimpy,whingers that won't do this ,or bull crosses are mad killers that can't catch this etc etc etc,they will invariably prove you wrong

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I think breeds do come in to it to an extent,but even within a litter you will get different personalities .

Their upbringing and experiences growing up will also alter their personalities.

Over trained puppies that aren't allowed to be pups will lose some of that personality.

I prefer a dog that is not looking over it's shoulder to see if I'm giving an order or calling it to heel.

Nothing gets my back up more than people who say stuff like,Saluki crosses are wimpy,whingers that won't do this ,or bull crosses are mad killers that can't catch this etc etc etc,they will invariably prove you wrong

i will never own another saluki x, just a clash of personality, i will leave saluki blooded lurchers to those whom get along with them...

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A lot of people seen to make judgements on different breeds creating certain traits and there is no doubt in my eyes that their is some truth in certain breed traits, BUT a hell of a lot of people seem to base judgements on one or two dogs or experiences which isn't really fair and also seem to look for these traits sometimes as an excuse if things go ariy. If you take a litter of pups and raise them all the same they won't be identical they have there own traits and nuisances, just got to hope that te one you get clicks with molds into what you want it to be IMO. If it goes wrong then look in the mirror before into the breeding. Not all bull xs are full on, not all salukis are stubborn not all Beddie xs open up, I would be looking more closely at the parentage and upbringing more closely when lookin for a lurcher pup that along with future stature and build for the job in hand, just my thoughts atb

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Had some good fun with a collie lurcher when I was a lot younger and enjoyed some good productive nights with the bull greyhounds,But for what I enjoy wich is daylight running of big rabbits and hard long nights on the lamp on stony arable lurcher with a good bit of saluki without doubt

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I think breeds do come in to it to an extent,but even within a litter you will get different personalities .

Their upbringing and experiences growing up will also alter their personalities.

Over trained puppies that aren't allowed to be pups will lose some of that personality.

I prefer a dog that is not looking over it's shoulder to see if I'm giving an order or calling it to heel.

Nothing gets my back up more than people who say stuff like,Saluki crosses are wimpy,whingers that won't do this ,or bull crosses are mad killers that can't catch this etc etc etc,they will invariably prove you wrong


i will never own another saluki x, just a clash of personality, i will leave saluki blooded lurchers to those whom get along with them...

that just my point ,not all Saluki crosses have the same personality ,

Of course there's some that can be difficult to get on with,but even within the same litter thee will be bold and shy pups.you just can't generalise like that .

I used a Saluki x over my bitch ,if he'd have been the type that was difficult to get on with I'd have walked away.

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I agree that personality, temperament, character (call it what you will) is the most important thing I look for in a dog. However, it really can be a juggling act combining that with a dog that works the way which suits you both too. When I bought my kelpie bitch Scout she was so work orientated and far more full-on that my previous two kelpies that I assumed she'd go on to become my best ever dog. However, as time has gone on, although I'd say she's been the best bitch I've ever owned and probably the best ​worker ​I've ever had she simply didn't compare to Rusty in the character stakes.

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