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Ian Duncan Smith Quits Over Disability Benifits Cut

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(Guardian) - National insurance is a complete mess. The old principle – that NI was a sort of insurance that paid for your pension and healthcare, and gave you cover if you were unemployed – is a fiction. The money simply goes into the general tax pot, and if the chancellor were honest it would be labelled as a tax on pay. But that would mean telling the truth: that the basic rate of tax is not 20% but 32%.

What’s more, if the starting threshold for NI for 2016-17 (£8,060) was brought up to match the starting threshold for income tax (£11,000) it would cost the Treasury at least £6bn. Instead, we maintain the idea that income tax starts at £11,000 of earnings.

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His decision is a little puzzling, and i dont think it really has a lot to do with benefit cuts, as he was the architect of those cuts in the first place. He has long supported the benefit cap and has happily implemented increasingly stringent cuts to ESA and Tax Credits.


His decision (he says) was influenced by the Budget proposals to cut PIP payments, while Capital Gains and Higher Rate income tax changes benefitted the better off.......not usually an issue that troubles the Tories, it has to be said !


So whats really going on ?


The most telling part of his resignation was his mockery of the "were all in this together" mantra, so popular among the Bullingdon Old Boys.

He claims that the level of proposed cuts has gone beyond "fiscal necessity", and that working age people are being unfairly burdened - bear in mind that around 50% of all benefits are paid to pensioners, who have been exempt from many changes.


Coming just a few days after the Budget, the target of his anger is clearly Osborne rather than Cameron. His resignation has done serious damage to Gideon's leadership ambitions, and I think the Chancellor is paying the price for angering " the quiet man" once too often.

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Payments became so high and out of control under labour it was out of control

PIP (the benefit being cut) was introduced by the Conservatives so literally nothing to do with Labour...

PIP is just what the Tories changed the DLA too


It has a lot to do with labour as under them benefits became to high and to easy to claim


The country became a gravy train for scroungers here and abroad......i now work in an area destroyed and full of these foreign and British born leaches

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Rats jumping the Cameron ship ( they're all rats in know ) but I think the public opinion is going against Cameron even amongst Tory voters .

I think there's something in that.

Cutting benefits has become ambit of an Osborne obsession, andmaybe IDS just got sick of being the whipping boy for it ?

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Got to give the guy some respect, stand for what you believe, dont follow the sheep.

fkin bollocks hes standing for what he believes he,ll be setting the scene for a leadership challenge after the referendum and is getting some brownie points with the public.



I can't see the party giving a failed (and very unpopular) leader a second chance... :hmm:


then maybe not his own leadership campaign,but giving himself some credibility in boris' cabinet? or maybe he thinks boris will drop a bollock and there will be an opening? one thing is for sure is that he isn't concerned about what he,s resigned about!



We have a winner ;)

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he made the point about not all being in this together, pointing out benefits paid to wealthy pensioners and tax breaks for the better off, he is pointing his finger at Cameron and Osbourne, All these changes to the welfare state have been aimed at the poorest section of claimants. as the minimum wage increases Tax credit entitlement will diminish, again aimed at the low earners, universal benefits should be abolished and all benefits should be means tested, this will stop people demonizing those on benefits despite claiming thousands per year in benefits themselves. Big Companies who earn money in this country should pay the tax rate for this country, end of. We will never all be in this together.

Very true. What's so annoying to me is that only 26 per cent of the population voted for them. Yet we're stuck with their 'grind the poor, make the rich richer' policies. That's not democracy. The 1.2 billion they save by screwing the disabled is exactly the amount they are giving the rich in more generous capital gains tax. Obscene.

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I spoke to two MPs this week from different party's and both reckon Osbourne and Cameron have got a liking for the devils dandruff, and he's missus Samantha has been in rehab twice for it !

Google Osbourn and Natalie Rowe. He says it's a line of salt on the table. She says it's coke and she provided other services. She has invited Osbourn to sue her if she's telling lies. He never has.

Edited by jukel123
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he made the point about not all being in this together, pointing out benefits paid to wealthy pensioners and tax breaks for the better off, he is pointing his finger at Cameron and Osbourne, All these changes to the welfare state have been aimed at the poorest section of claimants. as the minimum wage increases Tax credit entitlement will diminish, again aimed at the low earners, universal benefits should be abolished and all benefits should be means tested, this will stop people demonizing those on benefits despite claiming thousands per year in benefits themselves. Big Companies who earn money in this country should pay the tax rate for this country, end of. We will never all be in this together.

Very true. What's so annoying to me is that only 26 per cent of the population voted for them. Yet we're stuck with their 'grind the poor, make the rich richer' policies. That's not democracy. The 1.2 billion they save by screwing the disabled is exactly the amount they are giving the rich in more generous capital gains tax. Obscene.

Sometimes the system is a blessing.....we could have ended up with Labour


But on the other hand me and 4 million Ukip voters got no say

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I spoke to two MPs this week from different party's and both reckon Osbourne and Cameron have got a liking for the devils dandruff, and he's missus Samantha has been in rehab twice for it !

Google Osbourn and Natalie Rowe. He says it's a line of salt on the table. She says it's coke and she provided other services. She has invited Osbourn to sue her if she's telling lies. He never has.
lol met her as well mad as a bag of frogs !
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