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Your Thourgts On Ratter\ Family Pet

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I have never done any ratting so any advice is helpful what are your thoughts of having a family pet that also dose ratting and have any of you done that or is it a really bad idea and workers should not be also pets my only thought was about the risk of disease if you have had a ratter / pet what methods did you take to minimise risk of family members getting sick thanks

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I have a 9 year old plummer who's caught and killed thousands of rats in her life and she's lived in the house all her life with between 3-5 kids of various ages and all i've ever done is after ratti

JMHO but working dogs make much better pets than your high maintenance, highly strung lap dogs but be very careful if you do decide to go down the route of keeping a working terrier. It can take over

never had a problem either onto the grandkids now. hopefully they will also grow strong alongside my dogs.    

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Some call their dogs pets,others don,t class them as pets,it makes little difference to the dog,if its allowed to work it will work whatever its called.Id not be to concerned with a family member catching anything from a working terrier,more chance of getting run over by a blind Pakistani nun.

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I have a 9 year old plummer who's caught and killed thousands of rats in her life and she's lived in the house all her life with between 3-5 kids of various ages and all i've ever done is after ratting is bath her down and wash and treat any bites or cuts and let her have some peace in her bed away from the kids as a sore dog can act a tad grumpy..

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My little russell will smash rats Mark rat earths Mark rabbit earths for ferreting go through ramble nearly as quick as a rabbit and like has been said you only need to bath your dog to kill lepto so no danger to any one I've seen my little mutt sit at the foot of a baby bouncy chair and go pester the Mrs if the occupant cried as if the Mrs couldn't hear it


Edited by leethedog
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