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.243 / .270 Or .308 At Renewal

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Apologies first if this question has been asked before.


My licence is up for renewal next January and I have been asked by a friend of mine if I would like to join him deer stalking. He goes out quite regularly and I hope to be joining him as much as I can and as much as he will allow. He normally shoots with a friend of his and has been taking wild boar as well. I would like to apply for a calibre that would be ideal for deer and wild boar should I get the opportunity to shoot a boar. I know the BASC has been in talks with DEFRA in regards to a minimum calibre for wild boar and they have suggested .270 as a minimum.

So, I suppose I have just answered one of my own questions in relation to a .243. I would like to know what peoples opinions are regarding a .270 & .308. Is the .270 a good all round calibre and is the ammo as easy to get as the .308. Or would I just be better off going straight for the .308.


I would just like to add, when my renewal is due I am not applying for my first centrefire. I have a .22-250 at the moment and my certificate is open. Most of the land I shoot (my permissions) does have occassional deer, mostly Roe, but I would like just one gun, one calibre ready to go out with my friend when the time comes.


p.s At the time of my renewal, I would have been shooting my .22-250 for 3 yrs. 2 of them will have been on the less restrictive conditions (Open). What would my chances be at the time of application, asking for the less restrictive condition on either of the above calibres?

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.270 Son, I have shot all over the world and here in the UK and have taken hundreds of boar, foxes and all types of deer/ antelope. As Charlie has said it is a flatter shooting calibre over the .308,

It's not a matter of "reading comics" you need to weigh up what you are going to use the rifle for in the main and make an educated choice based on that information. Decide what the likely quarry is g

Fu*k me a .270 is an awesome round and will flatten anything in the British isles and beyond,flatter shooting than .308 and in my opinion apart from the superb .25-06 probably the best all round calib

.270 is regarded as marginal against boar as it falls a fraction below the minimum recommended energy (by around 100ft lbs).


.308 is a good deer calibre. Can't comment on boar, but it should have the performance.


Another calibre to consider might be .30-06. Penalty is it carries more recoil.

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Fu*k me a .270 is an awesome round and will flatten anything in the British isles and beyond,flatter shooting than .308 and in my opinion apart from the superb .25-06 probably the best all round calibre available in this country, .270 everytime pal, a .243 will also knock down as many pigs as you can point it at, I have said this before, a good pal of mine that owns a gunshop near me, used to shoot huge red stags for the council, before calibre restrictions came in he used a .22-250 and never lost an animal,watch Yukon men etc they take a .223 to just about everything, including bears, makes you think dont it?

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I really got my .308 for Boar (and a bit of target), I don't have any issue with any UK deer with my .243, but frankly the .308 is damn good for the Boar and delivers better stopping, many also rate it as a top deer calibre.


So, one gun answer, .308!

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Fu*k me a .270 is an awesome round and will flatten anything in the British isles and beyond,flatter shooting than .308 and in my opinion apart from the superb .25-06 probably the best all round calibre available in this country, .270 everytime pal, a .243 will also knock down as many pigs as you can point it at, I have said this before, a good pal of mine that owns a gunshop near me, used to shoot huge red stags for the council, before calibre restrictions came in he used a .22-250 and never lost an animal,watch Yukon men etc they take a .223 to just about everything, including bears, makes you think dont it?

.270 Son, I have shot all over the world and here in the UK and have taken hundreds of boar, foxes and all types of deer/ antelope. As Charlie has said it is a flatter shooting calibre over the .308, take it from an Old one Son the .270 would be ideal for you. Atb Joe.

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Thanks for the all the replies everyone. Its going to be a tricky one for me as its looking as there's preferences all round. Don't think I'll go wrong in whatever calibre I choose. I am swinging in the direction of the .270 though.


If I was to swing in the direction of the .270 what would I be looking at in the differences in ammunition prices. Is there much?


Value all your input guys and that's why I love these forums..


What about the question regarding a less restrictive condition. Do you think that's something I'm better off discussing with my FEO?

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Thanks for the all the replies everyone. Its going to be a tricky one for me as its looking as there's preferences all round. Don't think I'll go wrong in whatever calibre I choose. I am swinging in the direction of the .270 though.


If I was to swing in the direction of the .270 what would I be looking at in the differences in ammunition prices. Is there much?


Value all your input guys and that's why I love these forums..


What about the question regarding a less restrictive condition. Do you think that's something I'm better off discussing with my FEO?


The 270 is the most aggressive and noisy of the 3 to shoot, I'm not a fan personally but there are those that rate it.


I run a .243 which is a pussycat to shoot and a .308 700SPS which is remarkably gentle to shoot, especially so in comparison with a friends CZ 308! I have no need or desire for a 270, but like I say some rate them.


PRVI ammo for 270 and 308 is similar price although a lot more choice in 308.


Its easy to say and always harder to achieve, but try shooting them first, maybe a club, or a word here to see if someone can help!



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Thanks for the all the replies everyone. Its going to be a tricky one for me as its looking as there's preferences all round. Don't think I'll go wrong in whatever calibre I choose. I am swinging in the direction of the .270 though.


If I was to swing in the direction of the .270 what would I be looking at in the differences in ammunition prices. Is there much?


Value all your input guys and that's why I love these forums..


What about the question regarding a less restrictive condition. Do you think that's something I'm better off discussing with my FEO?


The 270 is the most aggressive and noisy of the 3 to shoot, I'm not a fan personally but there are those that rate it.


I run a .243 which is a pussycat to shoot and a .308 700SPS which is remarkably gentle to shoot, especially so in comparison with a friends CZ 308! I have no need or desire for a 270, but like I say some rate them.


PRVI ammo for 270 and 308 is similar price although a lot more choice in 308.


Its easy to say and always harder to achieve, but try shooting them first, maybe a club, or a word here to see if someone can help!



must admit deker i agree with you the 270 does give you a thump ,ive used 200grn silver tips through a 308 and that didnt seem so aggresive as a 130rn through a 270 , buy hey ultimatly its were you put the bullet that counts :thumbs:

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.270 is a necked down 30/06 so a bigger cartridge than .308 it is bound to be a tad more lively. The .308 is the same cartridge as a .243 but with a much bigger heavier projectile thus nowhere near as flat shooting as .270. Depends on what ranges you are likely to encounter aswell.

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