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They can deffinatly be done , there is a firm who make a lot of high end bags and stuff out of fallow skins , mainly summer coat with the dappling on ..I'll try and look them up ..I also supplied a polish fella local to me with a few skins who made waistcoats from them a couple of years ago .

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I'd of thought brain tanning is the cheapest? If intended as decorative more than functional, then no need to smoke after I believe.


Don't take any of this as fact but my understanding of the basic theory is as follow. Dry the skin and flesh it (don't think it matters which order), then paint on liberally a brain/water solution, then 'work' the wet skin stretching it until dry and supple. The smoking afterwards is only really necessary for clothing that is going to be exposed to the elements.

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This probably sounds completely ludicrous, but I remember reading an article online a few years ago in which the author claimed the quickest and easiest way to tan a skin was to soak it in a battery acid solution then wash it thoroughly. Can't remember any of the details but if I can find the article I'll let you know.

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