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We needed a new gate after the puppy had taken to chewing the old wooden one (which was totally knackered anyway TBH) but opening is a weird size and to big for an "off the shelf" jobbie, so I drew a quik pic on the back of a fag packet as you do and grabbed some steel £30, and set to practicing my welding, my mig was up at my parents house so this was all done with a little aldi stick welder. I'm pretty pleased with it anyway and it kept me out the pub for the weekend ;)

I had to tack a sheet of weld mesh on after I'd finished, and little tw*t of a puppy walked straight between the bars lol added another £20 to it but it's still cheaper than buying one ;)


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Nice job that AGA.....i only ever managed to make holes when trying to weld , oh and little metal balls that burned nice clean holes in my cloths .. :laugh:

ha ha yep I no that feeling lol this was my first actual project, I've only ever pissed about with scrap in the garage before so I was quite pleased with the outcome ;)
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