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My old hob just sleeps all the time if his food wasn't gone you would think he was dead , the young hobs a pain jumping about when you open the door and he already marked the 2x2 the door hangs on but hes getting snipped next week so ten jills should tire the bugger out

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My old hobs were as daft as a brush and so is the new one, in fact no ferret I've ever had has ever shown aggression to people. The only time I've ever been bitten properly was last year trying to break up a fight between hobs.


Now I bet that hurt a bit...eh ! :laugh:

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It was between my old hob and a new one I was trying to introduce. I'd split the pen thinking to give them time to get used to each other but the old guy kept finding ways to break in and get at the young one, resulting in the worst fights I've ever known. The old man ended up pulling both his top canine teeth out on the young one one day and it was him that bit me luckily, but the pain even from that made me realise that most people who say they've been bitten by a ferret have only been nipped. I moved the young one on to a mate in the end to save him killing the other, only to have the old hob have some sort of stroke a few months later.

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