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Drinkers For Larsen Traps

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Anyone use rabbit water bottles to give water to their magpies/crows? Seen it done a few times but want to be 100% sure it works before buying a load of them.


Currently use old drink bottles with lid cut off but is prone to pick up alot of mess.



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they work ok have a go at making some yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuHibZc6Y5M :thumbs:

nippels http://www.amazon.co.uk/Monkeybrother-Chicken-Poultry-Nipple-Drinker/dp/B00K7404A0/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1457862940&sr=8-15&keywords=chicken+water+drinkers

made some bigger ones for some partridge with 25 ltr drums :victory:

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  On 13/03/2016 at 07:46, Gkeeper111 said:



Anyone use rabbit water bottles to give water to their magpies/crows? Seen it done a few times but want to be 100% sure it works before buying a load of them.


Currently use old drink bottles with lid cut off but is prone to pick up alot of mess.



As you will be checking the trap daily just clean it daily,or is it the mindset now that spending brass on useless technology is the sign of modern keepers and their training,buy what i cannot fathom.

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  • 2 weeks later...

<I>As you will be checking the trap daily just clean it daily,or is it the mindset now that spending brass on useless technology is the sign of modern keepers and their training,buy what i cannot fathom.</I>


It's not useless at all, as he said the current open pots get very messy and he's looking for a solution. I find that the birds tend to frequently wash their food in the water, and depending on what they are fed with the water can get very mucky very quickly, especially unpleasant in warmer weather. Each individual bird varies but some are worse for doing it than others. Whether it bothers the birds or not is questionable and if you are able to check a trap twice or more a day it may be irrelevant as it will have the water frequently changed. Given that the birds can turn clean water to lumpy soup within an hour of being cleaned and fed the biggest potential problem this causes is for trappers who can't avoid having members of the public encounter their traps, filthy water looks bad and might result in a complaint or accusation, using rabbit water bottles seems perfectly sensible both for bird welfare and for public relations. The water bottles should last for years, doesn't seem like much of an expense to ensure a good clean water supply to the bird. Filthy traps with dirty water just perpetuate the accusations of anti-trappers, you could try being a bit more positive towards someone who is considering trying to avoid that rather than grumbling about penny pinching and 'modern keepers'.

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  On 24/03/2016 at 19:41, sussex said:

I cut down plastic bottles , wire them to the side of the trap , of the floor ,tends to keep the mess out and the water clean ..

That's what i do with 4 litre milk container easy to cut and leave the handle bit on for easy wiring to the sides.. :thumbs:

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  On 23/03/2016 at 07:35, randombadger said:

<I>As you will be checking the trap daily just clean it daily,or is it the mindset now that spending brass on useless technology is the sign of modern keepers and their training,buy what i cannot fathom.</I>


It's not useless at all, as he said the current open pots get very messy and he's looking for a solution. I find that the birds tend to frequently wash their food in the water, and depending on what they are fed with the water can get very mucky very quickly, especially unpleasant in warmer weather. Each individual bird varies but some are worse for doing it than others. Whether it bothers the birds or not is questionable and if you are able to check a trap twice or more a day it may be irrelevant as it will have the water frequently changed. Given that the birds can turn clean water to lumpy soup within an hour of being cleaned and fed the biggest potential problem this causes is for trappers who can't avoid having members of the public encounter their traps, filthy water looks bad and might result in a complaint or accusation, using rabbit water bottles seems perfectly sensible both for bird welfare and for public relations. The water bottles should last for years, doesn't seem like much of an expense to ensure a good clean water supply to the bird. Filthy traps with dirty water just perpetuate the accusations of anti-trappers, you could try being a bit more positive towards someone who is considering trying to avoid that rather than grumbling about penny pinching and 'modern keepers'.

Or i could tell him to cut a plastic bottle in half,wire it to the inside of the trap,ive stated inside because that may not be so obvious to some,then throw some water in it and make sure its clean and cleansed every time he visits the trap.As to the birds welfare that should go without saying,even if its to be killed,again general common sense that some make take as standard and others flounder,older keepers always grumbled and kept a tight hold of their purse strings,modern keepers receive modern education that are possibly better befitting the political climate they keep asunder,often at the detriment of a touch of common sense and basic husbandry practice,if basic husbandry needs to be taught its a waste of teaching.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would recommend the rabbit drinkers every time- the water stays clean, and doesn't end up slopped all over the bottom of the trap . As has been said , they're inexpensive and last for ages. I ran eight traps with them every season and they saved me loads of time and work .

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