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I have seen on here that others have mentioned/used ratbait.co.uk?


Normally I use flatpack for all my mole trapping needs, but flat pack out of stock on their talpex type claw traps.




Have you used Ratbait for either the talpex or half barrel traps?


Half barrels are only £2.99 inc vat so assume cheap china imports?

Are they any good?

Edited by shropshire mole
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The genuine Talpex sold by Ratbait are better IMO than the Flatpack claw traps. Never used their tunnel traps, but the last lot of Flatpack traps a friend recently brought back were rubbish compared to the traps they produced in 2013. They have put the prices up recently, and I won't be buying any more.

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Out of intrest if you buy cheap ones, what are the shelve life & what else is there to go wrong with them??


Had some fake fenns fell to bits after they'd fired a few times.


I've got 30 traps and have been thinking about getting another 30 or more..


Cheers .

Edited by Giro
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I have seen on here that others have mentioned/used ratbait.co.uk?


Normally I use flatpack for all my mole trapping needs, but flat pack out of stock on their talpex type claw traps.




Have you used Ratbait for either the talpex or half barrel traps?


Half barrels are only £2.99 inc vat so assume cheap china imports?

Are they any good?

Ive just seen this , mate. At that price, i fear their 'half-barrels', are probably still the "procter" ones ?,....which i wouldnt personally, recommend.

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Will let you know the outcome. Have ordered 20 talpex and 15 of the £2.99 barrels.

Trouble was them "procters" werent 'fit for purpose', & then they were meant to be 'improved' upon. But the updated version, wasnt much better. (just my personal, opinion) ,.......(sorry, i would have offered this sooner, if i would have been on),........The 'Talpex' however, are genuine.

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Are them Procter "Pest Stop" ones not much cop ??

Not too me, mate. I was told by a 'master molecatcher',....lol, that they were 'fit to go', (with no 'fettling' required) ?,....Funny how then, it would have needed the 'force' of a travelling train, to set them off !

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