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Spotted my target for this summer...

Last neet........ 4lb line....

A full 30lb heavier than the last one at 49lb 5 oz....

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biggest i had was a 26ib,which obviously taking into account what they capable of reaching is a small one but they was caught common enough in the particular lake i was fishing using typical carp set ups,funnily enough the one i had was on a zig rig popped up about 4feet in the water using a smokey mackerel boilie so not just bottom feeders as some are led to believe,they will come up for a bait.


fancied a trip out with yer man luke moffat years ago hitting the ebro but never did,good pic looks like its just been released,good luck targeting a big un :thumbs:


oh and i hear leeches are a killer bait for them

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I've not really targeted them other than a few sessions spinning on a local river in the last hour of daylight and stalking one fish I'd seen habitually coming into a back water I'd been fishing for carp. When spinning I found that the cats had a habit of taking the lure as soon as it hit the water. They weren't keen on chasing, but would ambush it.


The best advice I can give is to fish close to the bank especially with water over three foot deep and especially around tree roots. As you will see..........


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  On 11/03/2016 at 14:24, J Darcy said:

Spotted my target for this summer...

Good luck, is 'he' active now, dont forget a glove - what with your soft hands ;)


You wanna see the craic round here for them! Makes grown men revert back to neandrathals.

Did consider a solitary one for my own place, but a few black bass & zander might suit better.

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  On 14/03/2016 at 08:45, J Darcy said:

I spotted it in a fishing lake that was being drained. I'd guess it was about 20lb, so it's a good target for me. There's catfish in the ponds to over 40lb, but I would be happy with any! :D Roll on summer!

There's a lot to be said for targeting cats of 20lb - 30lb rather than the monsters. For a start you can use normal pike or carp tackle, and there's a lot more of them. A couple of years ago when we lived in a rented cottage bordering the River Vienne I had loads of them around 18lb - 26lb, mainly on Voblex spinners, but one or two came to bait too.



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  On 15/03/2016 at 13:33, treecreeper said:

That be some crack on a pin not my cup of tea tbh but they scrap I had one around 140lb on a 6000 baitrunner was a fair scrap.

To be honest it took less than 90 seconds from hooking to landing it. I'd been fishing a small backwater for carp in the evenings and noticed this catfish coming in from the main river just before dusk. The swim was as snaggy as Hell and so I tackled up to hook and hold under the rod tip. It never got chance to run and spent more time in the air than in the water :laugh:

Edited by Nicepix
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