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Fuel Duty To Rise.........?

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Voon does Eire get European subsidies ect ?

If so us over the water pay more than our fair share and Eire will prob be in recipt of some of that as is Greece ' France ect ect

Nowdays it's the so called middle classes that are getting shafted re tax and the so called upper classes who pay next to nothing ie huge corporations

A lot of what are classed as working class nowdays barely survive above the Poverty line

As it is everyone is tax exempt upto £10'600 pounds.

Above that and everyone should pay the same rate IMO of 25%

No cop outs

No corporations being exempt

Then No other taxes what so ever

No Vat

No Car Tax

No Council tax

Ie no Stealth taxes

A easy to understand and implement 25% tax rate across the board once over 10'600 pounds

If those in power can't make that work then they should not be running a bath never mind a country.

Ireland is a net contributor to the EU, we pay in about 500 million over the last couple of years


We are also paying back 60 billion, which kept the banking system of the Europe afloat.


England pays in 12 billion to the EU, gets back 6 billion. It's actually a small price to pay for the amount of banking business goes through London.

Edited by VOON
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You're confusing is with the French, who would probably get up and actually do something ! Osborne knows the worst we will do is a tut and a roll of the eyes !

Just have to close the motorways then if they start taking the pish. Lorries and tractors will do the job lovely.

Just a thought, but why don't they tax big corporations as they should, that would bring a few quid in. Not very likely though when the people calling the shots own big corporations is it

If government (and I have said this many times) just provided what a government is meant to provide I.e. Infrastructure, defense and civil security/justice system then everyone's income tax would be around 5% !!.......it's all the other bells and whistles mixed with a generous dollop of nonsense that costs the rest !!.......that my friends is a fact !


We used to run 2/3 of the planet with a foreign office that had around 25 people in it .........now there are around 20 thousand in that same department !!......that is another fact!


Tell me one good reason why that is?

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