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Smart looking dogs Northernlite...   Although my preferance is for curs,..I've had some good hunting with Bedlington lurchers...

Few of my 3/4 whippet/greyhound 1/4 beddy

This is my big fella...      

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Do you mean any lurcher type Brian or a beddy type. It very much depends on the kind of land you running/working and quarry you are after. As in uk it is only rabbits and rats thats all we can talk about. I have 2 beddy x a 18" half bred bitch, good little ferreting bitch, good nose/marker, will work cover, snaps a few missed bolters up, is not bad on rabbits on lamp in small fields were it can get them turning on the fence line although it will smash into the hedge and pull them out. Lacks a bit of pace for a consistent catcher, you would use nets with this bitch if you were after a good bag. I have a dog out of the bitch 22 1/2" got with a whippet, good pace on it for bolted rabbits, on open ground you could bag a few just bolting for it. decent nose but not as good as the bitch i don't think. They both 100% tryers and will give a good effort all day, no world beaters but they give what they got. I like to work them alternately ferreting, can't be doing with loads of dogs out. While i like the effort the beddy x puts in mine are a little hard mouthed for my liking, not saying they all are, although i have had 4 beddy x over the years and all hard mouthed. Probably try the collie x next time or maybe a mix of the 2 types. Don't really want anything over 23" for what i do. Had a pure collie ferreting bitch a few years back, was very soft mouthed, good marker, very biddable, tried a whippet grey over it but never took, if it had i would have probably been on a different path.

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Ive one here 3/4 whip 1/4 beddy heres about 6 and half now, 22" I like him hes been one of the most biddable wee dogs Ive owned never had to train him really, just gave commands and he did it, (wish they were all that easy) hes an ok lamp dog, and a great general moocher. Works well in cover and on the hillside and like others have said lacks that top gear but makes up for it with his relentless drive and stamina. hes caught us plenty rabbits and a few other things. Ive probably posted these pics before but here he is.


Beddy x whippet




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