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When Is Coarsing Not Coarsing??

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Was walking my 4 lurchers with a mate & his pet Lab all mine were on leads as where we were walking has a very high population of Hares. My mates lab was chasing them all ovef the place, obviously no chance of catching but still running them. Along comes farmer in his 4x4 laughing at the lab then puts down his window & says to me make sure you keep them Fcukers on leads??!!! Then he drives off!! Wtf so as long as dog not capable of catching hares is it not coarsing???

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Don't think it's the coursing they mind. It's the killing.


Which is why it's okay when old bobs pet mongrel is chasing rabbits over the fields. People find it funny. But not so funny when mine do it and catch them. Lol

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Back in the day, my mate an me were sat in Ormskirk Magistrates, facing charges of Coursing and Trespassing in Pursuit of Game. :angel:


Now our Brief, was usually their Brief but we got to him first and he was more than happy to help.


His angle was the charge of 'Coursing' and he stood me up and asked me if I knew what Coursing was..?

Laying it on thick, I told the room that I had been to the Waterloo Cup and had seen Coursing, where a bloke called a Slipper, slips two greyhounds on a driven hare given 80 to 120 yards fair law, blah blah blah


He then asked, did we know we were trespassing? To which we told him no, we had had a skinful the night before in the Runnies (pub), left the vehicle for safety and had returned the next day to collect it, using the opportunity to take the dogs for a walk at the same time, to clear our heads. He asked if we had seen any signs to inform us that it was a private estate and we replied we didn't.


When Mr Wilcox, the Head Keeper, was stood up for questioning, he also was asked if he knew what Coursing was and asked to describe it. He did, through gritted teeth and gave as good a description of the Waterloo Cup as I had...!

Then when asked what we were doing, he glanced for a moment at the arresting Police Officers and told the room that our dogs were not on slip, they were running free and we were walking together chatting, before our dogs chased and caught a hare.

He was then asked how many signs were on the estate on the boundary from the Running Horses pub? Near purple with rage he replied there are none and went into a rant about how the bloody hell the estate are meant to sign every part of their boundary and he is sick and tired of lads coming on and running hares and then laid into our Brief for defending us...!! He lost the plot that day and the case! :boogy:


So the answer, in a court of law is (or was that day) that it is an organised event, using greyhounds, like the Waterloo Cup, blah blah blah ;)


Anything else is just chasing.... :laugh:

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The point i was making in original post was Farmer didnt give a toss when non running/sighthound type chasing hares but if had been one of mine i dont think he would've been so easy going!!! Ive tried several times to get permission on his land as got a few rbts aswell but no chance as his sons shoot it. They just drive around shoot from Landy & leave what they shoot where its shot. Atb

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Coursing is when a dog is intentionally let of the slip or lead with the intention to course and catch a mammal usually a hare ,a fox or deer are hunting not coursing, Usually an independent witness would have to have seen you intentionally slip the dog with the intention of coursing and catching the mammal as intent and mind reading are very difficult to prove this is why most prosecutions are trespass in search of and the intent is one of the major reasons the Hunting act if prosecuted and challenged would fail, where as the trespass is proved if your on private land without legal authority.

Edited by desertbred
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