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Starting Out Full Time Moling Advice

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Best advice I can give you is,...'Don't ever work cheap'..... Start as you mean to go on,.....the trapping game has been a good Mistress to me...   Always be professional,....be 100% honest with

Recommendations from others is the best option.   I charge per job or sometimes per visit, with farmers they like to know costs, so tend to charge per visit (depends on time to travel, amount of tra

If your planning on charging by the mole instead of giving a proper quote for the job, don't stick dead moles in the traps, or take along dead moles to con the customer. Too many knobheads already tak

I can only sympathise, with any man who wishes to change his lifestyle,..and become a successful Mole Trapper :DPersonaly,..I would perhaps recruit a helper to do the hard sell for me,....maybe join a tried and tested website,..such as www.mole-catcher.co.uk/.... :thumbs:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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I also have some lawn signs and postcard a5 size from vistaprint, which I put out and about, which brings in a modest income, certainly pay for themselves.


wording such as THE MOLE MAN

is working here

phone number



Try lots of things - as said before postcards on notice boards, telegraph posts, parish magazines, some will work well, others not so


Keep trying

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So ,... "There's . Bundles of work out there",..you say ?,....& "i have a few mole guys that chuck work my way as they don't want to do it anymore ",....youve added too ?,.....& youve been catching moles, 20 year !,.......bit of a surprise, at your 'naivety' here then, about how to "generate" work ? (after all that time ?) (it seems theres an abundance of work, all there for the taking,in your part of the 'south-east', but you dont know how, to get it ?) lol lol ...........somethings not right ?

Edited by earth-thrower
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Oh mate

You really are paranoid or you can't read

Just for you as I like you I'll go over it again

I've always done a bit of mole catching for my gardening customers or a few people via word of mouth

There's a gamekeeper who passes on the odd mole job and there's a pest controller who sometimes gives me jobs that near me

I was asking about how to go about setting up as abusiness as I've never set up a mole trapping business

I've no idea how to generate enough business as as I said I only did it as sideline

I'm sure there s plenty of work out there but how to reach out to them

Now pop your tinfoil hat on and go and discuss the twin towers conspiracy with your online friends

Genuinely can't see why this has create such a fuss

Just to clarify I was asking about where to advertise how to generate business

Seems like a sensible enough question to me

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Oh mate

You really are paranoid or you can't read

Just for you as I like you I'll go over it again

I've always done a bit of mole catching for my gardening customers or a few people via word of mouth

There's a gamekeeper who passes on the odd mole job and there's a pest controller who sometimes gives me jobs that near me

I was asking about how to go about setting up as abusiness as I've never set up a mole trapping business

I've no idea how to generate enough business as as I said I only did it as sideline

I'm sure there s plenty of work out there but how to reach out to them

Now pop your tinfoil hat on and go and discuss the twin towers conspiracy with your online friends

Genuinely can't see why this has create such a fuss

Just to clarify I was asking about where to advertise how to generate business

Seems like a sensible enough question to me

"you really are paranoid or you can't read ",....."Now pop your tinfoil hat on and go and discuss the twin towers conspiracy with you online friends",......what the feck is this ? ha ha ha,....Your letting your 'imagination' run away with you, now lol,....& im starting to wonder, if your some sort of 'fantasist', or something ? Oh , & just for the record,.....i started off WITHOUT advertising !,...(& never have since),..so 'generated' all my own work,....(its not 'rocket science', to suss out, how ?) ffs

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Mate I'm done

I think you're a bit of a loon

I asked a simple question on how to get started up

You've picked and pulled it apart to make it something it s not

I've had some good ideas and advice given to me from here

The fact is to me i didn't have a clue how to drum up more business

My gardening work was all word of mouth

I never had to advertise

So that's why I wondered what advertising or means of drumming up business was best for moles

Cheerio mate

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Mate I'm done

I think you're a bit of a loon

I asked a simple question on how to get started up

You've picked and pulled it apart to make it something it s not

I've had some good ideas and advice given to me from here

The fact is to me i didn't have a clue how to drum up more business

My gardening work was all word of mouth

I never had to advertise

So that's why I wondered what advertising or means of drumming up business was best for moles

Cheerio m

"ive no idea how to generate enough business",...."i'm sure theres plenty of work out there but how to reach out to them",...& this ,..lol "the fact is to me i didn't have a clue how to drum up more business",...............(after 20 years ?),.....says it all, really,.....& "mate i'm done",...its ok, i blame myself, for getting involved ! ha ha ha

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Seriously? What can you understand

i never tried to generate more business as like I said previously I was only doing it part time doing maybe two or three mole jobs a week for my gardening customers and friends

Hardly enough to go full time

I was very busy with the gardening work and didn't want more moles and at that time wasn't interested in going out there as a full time mole trapper

Now I do and I was asking advice from people who do it full time as to what was the best way to advertise or generate more work to go full time and what things do I need to take into consideration.......most of the folk who've answered haven't had a problem with that

Seems a sensible question/request to me miss marple

To be honest mate I wish you'd f**k off

You sit there and say it's not rocket science blah blah blah and aren't prepared to help with that part

I've no time for pricks for like you

There's nothing sinister or "there's more to this "

I'm a bloke who wants to go out as a full time mole trapper asking advice as all I ever did was a few a week if that at times

Get a grip mate

Or just f**k off and stop trolling this thread

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The Mole Man is Working Here - Come Steal My Traps ! Hahahahaha

Maybe I have been lucky or its the area I work in, but have never had an issue with traps being nicked.

The only thieves (so far) have been either badgers or fox who remove the odd trap but leave my bright orange tent peg marker behind

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Seriously? What can you understand

i never tried to generate more business as like I said previously I was only doing it part time doing maybe two or three mole jobs a week for my gardening customers and friends

Hardly enough to go full time

I was very busy with the gardening work and didn't want more moles and at that time wasn't interested in going out there as a full time mole trapper

Now I do and I was asking advice from people who do it full time as to what was the best way to advertise or generate more work to go full time and what things do I need to take into consideration.......most of the folk who've answered haven't had a problem with that

Seems a sensible question/request to me miss marple

To be honest mate I wish you'd f**k off

You sit there and say it's not rocket science blah blah blah and aren't prepared to help with that part

I've no time for pricks for like you

There's nothing sinister or "there's more to this "

I'm a bloke who wants to go out as a full time mole trapper asking advice as all I ever did was a few a week if that at times

Get a grip mate

Or just f**k off and stop trolling this thread

Look , ....Commercial mole catching, has NEVER been more popular, with LOADS of information, out there about it, & how to go about things ?.......So, as i say, are you really that 'naive',...that you have no clue,about how to try & take things forward, for yourself ?,........or are you the type, that wants everybody elses knowledge or experience, handed to you 'on a plate',......(too short- cut things , for you) ? You have already been given, all the information, you should need (from the members, here) for an attempt to start out ?,.... ffs...... Also, that bit about , im not "prepared to help",.....well, i gave away more than i wanted too ! ha ha. & whats this all about "There's nothing sinister or "theres more to this", stuff ? (is this your "paranoia",....lol) (notice, how i dont have to resort, to name calling insults, either ?) lol

Edited by earth-thrower
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