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New Rifle; Hw99S .22

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well folks I woodsmanjim dropped by on friday to buy the prosport .177 off me. Sad to see her go but I knew she wasn't right for me.


So I popped off to Skipton gun rooms to buy me new rifle. I've had my eye on the .22 HW99s for some time and they sell them for a great price of £195, and he even let me have a tin of H&N FTT's (priced at just over £10) for an extra £5. Good man.


So first thing I did was clean the barrel out, then slipped a few Ftt's through her. Lovely and quiet action, and just a nice nudge of recoil, no noticeable twang either which I was expecting given that they don't come fitted with a top hat.


Had it over the chrono on the Ftt's, it was putting out around 9.5ftlbs and over a 10 shot string it was around 15 fps variance. Not terrible but I was expecting a little more power, so my mate came over (we were heading over to blackpool for a bit of sea fishing later on) and he has some RWS hobby's for his SMK B2. Wasn't expecting much from them to be honest but I boshed out a few and they were much better, hitting around 10.8ftlbs.


After a 15 shot string of Hobby's it was averaging 638 fps, a high of 641 and a low of 637 to give 4 fps spread, 10.75ftlbs average. f***ing winner :D


Bopped the tasco 4x32 on with medium sportsmatch mounts and she looks good. The minelli beech stock is lovely as is the chequering. Also managed to get a swift stumpy silencer from Viz for a future threaded barrel, and have ordered a TBT kit to fit in the future - but I'm a bit loathed to touch it while it is running as well as it is.


Down the range as you would expect ragged one hole groups at 20 yards.





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Cheers gents!


Thanks for the heads up v'man, they are deffo on my short list. I'm thinking of trying falcons, superdomes and exacts. Potentially superfields and accupels too - I know vhtv were using bisley LRG's in there's, so might give them a go if I can't get anything decent out of that lot

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I`ve always been a hide/ ambush/ field craft sort of air gun hunter mate and i always strive for close, "real close".

Furthest i went for with the FWB 127 would be around 35 yds but much preferred less, if i could.

The Hobby would hit like a "Sledge Hammer"


The exit hole was - an eye opener :icon_eek:




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Get it stripped and all the swarf cleaned out of it, mirror polish the horrible spring ends,piston and rod, de_burr, tbt kit, and get a Vortek piston seal for it mate, it transforms them, and it will push 11.5ftlbs and be smooth as, trust me on the Vortek seal mate, if you struggle to get one pm me mate and I will give you a number :yes:

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Yes mate http://www.agrtuning.co.uk/index.html


Have a word with Tony, real nice guy and knows his stuff, piston seal is about £11 you will have to size it, put it on the piston, put the piston in your cordless drill, wet the seal and apply super fine wet and dry on the edges a bit at a time is the way to go, keep trying the piston in the bore until you have a nice fit not too tight, just a bit of effort to push it home, make sure you de-burr everything including the little square holes in the rear of the cylinder after you have removed those annoying little squares, as you dont want a burr ruining your nice new seal, just apply some pure silicon oil to the seal edges when you rebuild it, lightly grease the spring, and some dri-slide on the piston body, you will have a super smooth accurate rifle mate,no need to polish the tbt kit pal its all delrin, get the piston like a mirror though, and the spring ends, the end of the rod where it meets the trigger sear also, and if you really want to go to town, polish the trigger sears too, but make sure you give it a real good degrease and clean out, they really do benefit from all the swarf cleaning out, it will be worth it.

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