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How Very Rude!

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Had this idiot called Lobbit (Robert i think) ring me usual shite so i told him Go Fcuk himself & hung up few mins later he rings me back trying to be all Phil Mitchell then i told him to watch his language as he's on speaker & his Mum dont want to hear him swearing he then starts what you know my mum I told him she couldnt talk to him as she was sucking my Cock?? He went Ballistic !!! Very funny.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting a bit worried now. Just had "Henry" from windows technical department on. Maybe I really DO have a problem. :laugh:


At least he could say windows properly, but it was hard to tell through his thick Indian accent.


Him: This is Henry from windows technical department.

Me. "Who?

Him: Henry from windows technical department.

Me: You don't sound like a Henry

Him: What?

Me: You don't sound like a Henry. You sound more like a Gupta or something

Him: You f***ing f****r. Click Brrr.


How will I ever get my computer fixed now? :hmm:

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I've only had them once.......


"We have been asked to contact you by your internet provider, regarding possible issues with your computer". I could barely hear him over the background commotion.


(Is that the subtle aroma of rat ?)


Me:"So you know who my internet provider is ?"

Him: "Of course".

Me: Sky have asked you to contact me ?"

Him: We are contacting all Sky customers".

Me: " I'm not a Sky customer !"

Him: "All internet providers we work with". (His exact words)

Me: (Pause) " Where are you calling from ?"

Him: "Erm.........London".

Me: " What part of London ?"

Him: "Erm...........north London"

Me: "What's the weather like there ?"

Him: "Erm...............raining very much"

Me: "That's odd. The sun is shining here.". (I live in MK)

Him: " Weather is very unpredictable this time of year."

Me: "Would you excuse me just one minute - there's someone at the door."


I put the handset to one side, made a cup of tea and went about my business.

30 minutes later, I picked it back up and the ba5tard had hung up on me !

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