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What A Waste Of Hares !!!

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Did someone say 500 hares where shot seen video on youtube of a hare shoot didn't look very sporting to be honest they where only hopping along most of them not knocking shooting in anyway it just don't sit right with me .

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wankers phote shoped my dog out of the pic lol

Doesnt do the hare gene pool any good . Weak hares that lie up in cover left for breeding . At least with dogs it the strongest left for future stock

just a shame its all come to this, all thanks to war criminal tony blair and the labour party.


Excellent way to get the ban overturned.....by ridiculing another form. Hmmmm

surely you dont condone that lab . Hows you anyway pal
Only reason you can shoot 500 is cause there over run mate. You'll shoot the same the next year.

Around me there's hardly any so I wouldn't dream of shooting one......but strangely enough I'd chase one with a dog.


And I'm fine bud. Grafting away. Yourself??

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Every year this old chestnut about hare shoots come up. Funnily enough the numbers never seem to decline. You cannot shoot what's not there and to do it every year, says to me the system is working. Heavily keepered ground where the hares get protection as a bye product of the keepering for game birds.


What would happen if they did not shoot them? Too many hares for the ground to support and the eventual onslaught of disease and decline.


Just my opinion of course.



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Hares are very sparse and non existant in some parts of the country they should be netted up and released there rather than shot

I would agree with that completely, if the reason for the initial decline of the hares could be assessed and addressed. Other wise they will only die out again.


Edited to add: The decline of the Lapwing has been attributed to a decline of hares in the same areas, and also a rise in liver fluke in sheep. As hares are susceptible to liver fluke and lapwing feed on the fluke it does not take deal of working out that the ecology of our countryside is changing. The symbiosis that has for a long time kept a balance in our wild life is breaking down.



Edited by tiercel
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I work lurchers and i also shoot , but hare drives are are pretty sickening it takes very little skill to shoot a running hare,its not like taking a high flying bird, ive said it before going as a gun on a hare drive would be like going on a firing squad to me. I would be ashamed of myself. :nono::nono:

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I live not far from the old Waterloo cup ground and they do the same driven shoots to keep coursers off, nobody can convince me that it doesn't effect hare numbers it does, theirs been a noticeable difference in hare numbers in this area to the point were I'm more likely to see a unicorn than a hare. And just to point out I've never had hare dogs so never went out looking for them, but pre ban you couldn't help but come across them.

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Lamping was the main cause of the hare decline on my local fields, aswell as some shooting to stop the coursing, but you're always going to have an up and coming bunch of local young lads getting into the dogs, and they will go on the land regardless of what is there to run, fields devoid of hares are dead fields to me

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