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What The F**k Is Wrong With These People

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Russians apparently , their a bit mad at the best of times tho

Let's hope it's some mafia members family....see what happens..
There would be bombs going off in mosques then .
Yip....I've been saying it for a long time now. They will kill the wrong person one day and the shit will hit the fan for them.
Why does it have to be the wrong person .All killings by the pig fuckers are wrong .Can't wait for the revolution myself .

Well very little in retaliation has been done so far. By 'wrong person' I ment someone who loses a family matter takes things into his own hands and goes on some crazy Muslim killing spree. Unfortunately it probably won't be the radical fuckers that get it it will be just some normal human being that happens to be Muslim.

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What I would give for an automatic rifle and a trip to Bradford etc lol,like it's been said waiting for the revolution.lol,our country riot's when some wannabe gangster gets shot by armed police but stand there and film on thier phones when two Muslim s hack a soldier of the Crown to death-when it comes I think most will just roll over and take it....Please Mr Muslim don't hurt my bum.atb dc

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