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Viz 5 , Mac,1 Little Hunter 0

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Yeah it would be rubbing i suppose, - i mean 5 - 1 to the .177 cal and against "TWO others using .22" tsk ! tsk ! :cray:



No wonder the new rifle will be in the " high performance caliber". .177 :toast:




































changed it to 22 just now :yes:


cant put up with all the sh*t off you lot


and iv not even got it yet


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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On topic did you all get a few shots off or is it a whoever sees one situation,do you stay in one group or separate? Sometimes tactics,timing and luck all play a part...


And chin up little hunter,rough with the smooth kid...

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We normally go our separate ways, as normal I headed off on my own first leaving little hunter tagging along with his grandad; then after our first break and the five rabbits came out the magic pocket; I took little hunter with me and mac went out alone; he came back with a rabbit, but little hunter did well; just lack of opportunity not down to bad shooting; 2nd time round there was very little about as the frost came in hard; there was some cracking banter and laughs; as normal another good night, with cracking company: the results count for nowt.

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Little hunter has grown up a lot in the past 2 or 3 years


he used to give his uncle viz some jip and was very cheeky and got told off alot on other outings


but him and Vis get along like a house on fire now .


Lots of laugh,s Little hunter fell over 5 times in the mud should of seen the state of his rifle


I got court short in the middle of the field with one of them Sh*t pains and new i would not make it back to the 4x4


so just dropped my pants in the middle of the field and let go lol


good job i had some paper in my pocket no more KFC for me before i go shooting fecking Zinger burgers


So yes a fecking good night


and your right BB thats what it is all ABOUT , bannter, laughs. and shooting its nights like that that you remmember in years to come


and as for little hunter


he will remember the night his grandad was in the middle of a field with his camo pants around his ankles with his ass stuck

out having a dump






Must stress little hunter was with Viz at the time across the other side of the field lol


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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