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eating grass

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why do dogs eat grass a lot ?


If there eating a lot of grass have a look at what sort they are going for if its fresh soft shoots then some enjoy grazing as it were but if its tough couch type the could be doing it to get bile off their stomach which builds up when resting after work i get some mashed potato down mine once a week keeps the bile off their guts and they dont seem to bother eating grass much.

Be carefull letting them eat grass mate you never know whats been sprayed on it these days.

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Guest Vladimir

This is a normal thing with dogs. From time to time, they do not want to eat their regular meal, but they eat some grass, green or even dead grass and in a few minutes they vomit it with some yellow foamy mucus. They need to clean their stomacks just like we a re brushing our teeth. After this, their appetite returns. Some dogs do it more oftne then others, but they all need it periodically.

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Gary say's it's cos your dog's crossed with a freisan and you should get some work done instead of watching your dog eat grass, :clapper::laugh:

Seriously though i would'nt sop her from eating grass there is'nt a proven theory why dog's do this but it certainly won't harm her, some say it's to clear there stomach's or lack of something in the diet or even boredom etc; don't think it's anything to with her comeing out of season mate, since i started useing Garlic, parsley and cod liver oil that come's as one oil from WCF my BullX dose'nt eat grass half as much.

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sometimes they eat it to supplement their diet,and other times its to clean the bile up of their stomachs,greyhound lads give their dog soda crystals to clear bile of their stomachs every now and again.

so the point is,if your dog is eating grass then your either feeding them wrong or they have to much bile.

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