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In Short. The Breeding Cycle Of Sparrow Hawks.

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we was lucky enough to have a pair come back to the same nest at the side of our house .it was great to see the young learning there flying skills great to watch .then one year just as they started to sit tight on the eggs I saw one of the birds

fighting with a big crow on my front garden' i looked up to the nest and seen another crow robbing the eggs. the pair aint been back since to say I was gutted was an understatement.

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Yes cracking picture Paulus , Photography like working dogs / hounds you have be out and about , yes the technology your plays a part but you also need to know your fieldcraft & be switched on too nature , I'd say lots of lads on here all started the same as kids egg collecting , tadpoles , using any dog to take out hunting , we'd whistle up any dog on the estate when we where kids lol , remember seeing a kestrel as a kid a bloke kept I was fascinated & thought to myself when older Id have birds of prey , something I regret not doing to be honest , Lots of the best naturalists are lads who love hunting & are switched onto nature , which looking at the pics & taxidermy on this site proves lots on here are .

For me its where a forum such as this really has its value.....ok it was only a Harris Hawk in my case but i was dead set on getting one a few years ago but upon reading peoples experiences on here i realised i just didnt have the knowledge/understanding or indeed the time to really dedicate to a bird and instead would have to simply settle for admiring from a distance......i got myself out with a couple of folk who had them and saw the birds up close without all the commitment of owning one......photography the same i just dont have the technical awareness and its probably too late to start from scratch so you just have to sit back and admire from a distance ive enjoyed many great pictures of wildlife i just didnt happen to take them......sometimes we have to know our limitations but it doesnt mean we still cant enjoy something.

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