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Recycled Build

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cost me 2.55 euro to build this hutch for the ferrets, built from old salvaged screws, broke down a few old pallets and cut up to size. Cut rotten ends of timber to get a usable piece to use and the paint is a part tin I had from 2 year ago when painting the pens. Just to finish the roof. A mate is giving me a piece of felt for the roof.







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  On 23/02/2016 at 17:44, joe14 said:

looks good but id cover that wire mesh floor with boarding really not good for their feet aswell as a leg might manage to get stuck down there

the wire is like that so the shit falls through and onto the ground in the dogs pens.I just pick the ferret shit up with the dog shit.

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  On 23/02/2016 at 18:05, TOMO said:

Looks well made,,,but how do you get in it?


I assume the lid lifts up,,,,and agree with the post above,,,wood floor,,,and get it on legs

The roof will get felt on it and hinges. The roof is the door. I had onlt finished painting it and it was still on the lawn. It will be put in the dogs pen and raised of the floor on cavity blocks. Had the ferrets in a different hutch with that wire on the floor and have never had any trouble with feet or legs passing through it. Must be using that wire like that about 8 years now. When the ferret shits in the corner it falls through the wire and onto the dogs pen floor and just pick it up with the dog shit. Handy little system.

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  On 23/02/2016 at 19:20, joe14 said:

i do get what your logic is but tbh its just lazy way imo. cant see how scraping up crap off grass or swillimg it down (espesh in summer!!) would be any easier. you try walking on wire all time.

it wont be on grass it be in the dogs pen with the dog.It was only on the lawn while I was painting it and just put the ferrets in for a quick pic. If you look at the cage at least 5 footx28inches is a solid wooden floor. so if the ferrets dont like the 24inches x28 inches of wire they will stay on the solid wooden floor, I wouldnt call it lazyness.I would call it saving time. I have 5 dogs in individual pens and 2 ferret hutches, I also breed birds and at the minute approaching breeding season Im up to 8 flight cages and 21 breeding boxes. So alot to do aswell as walk the dogs so anything that saves a few minutes here and there I wouldnt call lazy .It frees me up to spend that wasted time doing something more practicle.

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When my dad first built our hutches he put wire floors in them as he lived out in the country anything that fell threw the hens scratched and ate when I moved them down here I cut sheets of ply and covered the wire as I wouldn't get away with it and after a few years the wire rots and needs replacing

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