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Outwitting The Shooters

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back in the early 90s i had permission on a golf course but opposite was couple decent size fields i used to have a quick shine from the gate see if i could get the odd run.


one particular night lamp on and charlie was right out in front of me within couple squeaks he came running in and i slipped the dog,this field was flat as a pancake but the field joining it ran all the way up hill and over the horizon,so anyway the dog puts a few turns in and makes a catch so off with the lamp and i start walking out to him,well seemed it was a bit further than i thought and as i got to the dog i realised just how far out in this field i was especially as i goes to put slip on the dog and picks this fox up when a set of headlights come over the horizon on the adjoining field.


so this 4 x 4 is now coming down the hill toward the field im in but it cant come straight through as there is a large ditch between the fields it has to come out of a gate onto the lane then back in through another gate so i dropped this fox and now im running to get back to the lane to say i was cutting it fine would be an understatement.


literally as i stepped out the field onto the lane the motor had come through the first gate,so there i am casually walking along the lane as the motor came round the corner im in full view so they slowed took a good look said feck all and pulled in to open the gate and enter the field id just left, i carried on walking toward golf course entrance when i heard them squeaking from the motor then sweep the field with the lamp so i stopped to watch.


more squeaking lamp was on again but held on a spot in the field,i stood and watched as this went on for a few more minutes then i hear the crack of a rifle of some sort and the motor sped out toward the middle of the field,heard the banging of doors and could make out someone standing in the headlights,within a few seconds i could here all these lads laughing,with that i fecked off onto the golf course and away.


the night the shooters shot an already very dead fox lol.


sorry bit long winded but one them nights i went home with a smile

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Could have been a very different story there if the shooters was watching from a distance not sticking up for shooters by any means pal no the one for shooting. But what am saying is a good mate knows some lads that was out local years ago when they was calling Charlie in for a couple of pups a run when all of a sudden crack old Charlie was shot dead the shot come from behind as they ad there back the edge of the field the shooter was behind them at a distance. theres not hing better than beating rifle men to the job hahaha

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Yes this will be interesting. So they are 'dangerous' and 'stupid' for shooting what might be the same fox. Remind me again......what did they shoot..a fox. Exactly what they were intending to do. Whether it was already dead is immaterial. Be different if it was a cow.

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Yes this will be interesting. So they are 'dangerous' and 'stupid' for shooting what might be the same fox. Remind me again......what did they shoot..a fox. Exactly what they were intending to do. Whether it was already dead is immaterial. Be different if it was a cow.

no point everyone slagging shooters off all over the thread it's not about that merely something I witnessed years ago,iv done fair bit myself over the years there's probably more divs running dogs than owns a gun anyways lol
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