downsview 448 Posted February 25, 2016 Report Share Posted February 25, 2016 But this dog has been dug twice and also bolted a couple sounds like it started OK now its taken a backward step. 1 Quote Link to post
Dabhand 887 Posted February 25, 2016 Report Share Posted February 25, 2016 Then it would be a cull No summer shows not for sale And not doubled up I wouldnt put an older dog through that a shit pup pushing it in to its game. I might be wrong Its just my opinion 6 Quote Link to post
rob284 1,682 Posted February 25, 2016 Report Share Posted February 25, 2016 Its season end so leave it for now. Working dogs out of season can confuse any dog as scent is everywhere and quarry kick out earths without using them. Quote Link to post
Bryan 1,362 Posted February 25, 2016 Report Share Posted February 25, 2016 But this dog has been dug twice and also bolted a couple sounds like it started OK now its taken a backward step. I was talking starting difficult dogs to start, this dog is different. Quote Link to post
dytkos 17,841 Posted February 25, 2016 Report Share Posted February 25, 2016 See what you've started now Lee? Cheers, D. 1 Quote Link to post
smasher 1,055 Posted February 25, 2016 Report Share Posted February 25, 2016 Many a brave dog has turned coward but I've as yet to see a coward make a brave dog 5 Quote Link to post
downsview 448 Posted February 26, 2016 Report Share Posted February 26, 2016 Cull,tap ,get rid ,either a lot of ego massaging going on or a lot of fools with no idea ,the dog is 17mnths old and bred from bushers ffs. 2 Quote Link to post
Squirrel_Basher 17,100 Posted February 27, 2016 Report Share Posted February 27, 2016 Having another dog present on couples can't hurt,don't think he ment doubling up it that's what you getting at?I agree with that post of Bryans,foxdropper how many goes would you give a dog to enter your way before you thought it was no good?genuine question?you must have exceptional dogs or maybe a lot of wastage? Curious to know not knocking everyones different, I personally tie them up and let them listen to a sensible terrier at work and then when i think they ready .i then like a young dog to mark ,go in and Find off its own back,and hopefully stay till 20 yrs I've had a few that never wanted to go no matter what I tried but never had one walk on me,that I entered my way- that was tied up and allowed to smell ,hear what's expected of the them, iv'e had one or two that were that ruff I be lucky to dig them five times in a season,personally I wont put a young dog in a stop end that some other dogs been dug to,think it gives them a false confidence from my own experience,also like to add that when a dogs young I won't ever work them sore or scabbed up,part of being a good dogman is knowing their limits imo ,if i think they have had enough then thats that,don't care a toss whos company im in or losing face,I know that when they are healed i still be digging to them and not chopping and changing like alot of lads ive met over the years.not looking for an argument just your view pal.atb dc Without going into detail that's been covered a hundred times mate ,basically if a dog ain't doing it by two years of age its not for me but those ,luckily are very few and far between .I would of thought that being as you've been in the game for a while you would of come across lines that are easy starters without the need for winding up . I personally would never persivere with a young un that won't self enter and to me its a cull but that's just me .You state you've never had one walk which I find odd as I've seen a few started and not want any more and that's over 30 years at it . Stockman ship as you describe should be the norm too . Quote Link to post
Squirrel_Basher 17,100 Posted February 27, 2016 Report Share Posted February 27, 2016 My own opinion is that a terrier needs no encouragement to work and should know what's expected .I personally like to take the young un to a spot and let him do what he's bred for ,no encouragement ,no winding up ,no praise ,no company .If your young un won't go ,its either not ready or its not for me .Obviously one outing won't tell you that but a few would tell me all I need to know .The method of allowing a pup to watch an older dog dug to is alien to me so I can't say how it pans out suffice to say I wouldn't want any pup of mine to have to get wound up before it will meet its quarry which is why I despise hole ending .Ant terrier worthy of the name will self enter in time ,a much more laid back affair .edited to say a marking dog is a big bonus here but put back when trying the newby I couldn't agree less,( and I enjoy a lot of what you post here) If you've never tried any other way you wouldn't know any better. I can see the benefit of your approach, all the blame is attached to the pup. None on the handler. One of the skills I admire most in a good terrier man is in getting a dog started, be that knowing when it's mature enough to start or knowing how to best handle that individual dog. Some need to be wound up, some need winding down a little so they calm down and follow their nose, some need company the first time, some will switch on just tied at the entrance listening to another dog work or bay. Some will need a quiet word or two other a fast word of hsst,hsst. You might be very shocked if you tried it. You won't know that of course and you can convince yourself and others that your one approach is the only and best approach. Me I get a big kick out of starting a young dog and if it's a little bit harder to get them started I get a bigger buzz when they do go. How hard it is to start a terrier has no bearing at all on how good or bad that dog will be. Must be very rewarding having had to wind your terrier up to enter mate lolHow a terrier starts tells me all I need to know but that's just me mate ,perhaps I'm just laid back. You also state blame in entering ,I'm confused ,if it self enters or not how does that reflect on the man . 1 Quote Link to post
Daniel cain 46,427 Posted February 27, 2016 Report Share Posted February 27, 2016 Everyone's different just like the dogs we keep,cheers for the reply foxdropper ,don't suppose it matters how you start them ,so long as they stay and get the job done ,week in week out ,season after season,With the least amount of punishment.and hopefully pass on those good quality's when bred to their offspring,not alwaY's the case but that's life-nothing is set in stone.atb dc 1 Quote Link to post
Rabbit Hunter 6,613 Posted February 27, 2016 Report Share Posted February 27, 2016 I think theres no correlation between early starters and the best workers. Personally the best dogs ive seen werent showing a real interest in entering until 16-18 month. The hardest dog ive ever owned didnt have his first dig until 19 months and after that there was no stopping him. On the flip side Ive seen dogs having to be held back at a young age but when the time come they weren't upto scratch. 4 Quote Link to post
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