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Working Land Without Permission

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i'm not for one minute saying its a weekly occurence - but i'm sure if you got clipped by someone in that one off tragic accident that does unfortunately happen from time to time your loved ones would be trying to point the finger everywhere apart from at you! then there are all the ten men who seem to think they are harder than batman when it comes to vigilante justice when they feel wronged!


as for the laser... if you saw a wierd red glowing circle about 5 foot in the air in the distance would you not look at it to try and work out what it is purely out of curiosity? i know i probably would!

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ffs give it a rest mate ,your like an old woman yapping on ,the only person going to get screwed if you rang old bill is you with your gun at night . think about it for a minute .as for poaching ive d

I'm a poacher my dogs are poaching dogs, thats how its always been and thats how it will always be, never had permission in my life, but i do have respect for the quarry the land and livestock. but u

No one can blame a farmer for being pissed off when the numptys are f***ing his land up. Who wouldn't be pissed off. Very easy to see how a few dog men makes the hole dog world look bad..again. Your l

All this ranting of jax about a few lads after rabbits lol.

Can you imagine someone stole a garden gnome off him it would be world war 3 pmsl.

If the lads and there dogs seemed tidy enough then why didn't you offer them the fields you mention were a dog could be run.


because they were poaching and were fully aware of it. they didn't have permission on a single acre of the land they worked that night and were seen on 4 different farms / plots of land to my knowledge so why would I (or any of the other farmers / landowners)?


they didn't have the courtesy or decency to come and ask at any of the places they went on so why would I offer the land to them after their blatant disregard for our property.



as I said in the beginning, had they asked first we would happily have told them where they could / couldn't run the dogs (and as we have done in the past for the lads with the hawks and the ferreters we have rang neighbours and asked about them getting access on their land too to get them more land to work over) but they didn't so the bridge is burnt.


respect is a two way street, if you can't see the issue then its probably too late for you to learn about it.



I said initially that this would be met with hostility but kinda thought that the opinions from someone on the other side of the issue may be taken on board a little and appreciated for what it is rather than seen as a declaration of war! I suppose when your up against all the career poachers who lie and die for the sport so much that they have never bothered to put the work into their sport to actually find a decent permission and then couple it with the self proclaimed hard men who will deal out vigilante justice as they see fit and then the people who don't care about other peoples property / land as they don't think the law applies to them... I may as well have not bothered,


how does the old saying go, don't arue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience?


I also like this one...


It does make me chuckle though when I read some of the comments, they do nothing to change or mend the bad reputation of the sport whilst trying to protesting its innocence at the same time!

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It does sound like you are making gestures that someone on your land will be shot.


quite the opposite.


i know some folk around here who have happily put a shot over a poachers head. I won't do it as its just not a sensible thing to do. regardless of the situation and despite repeating it god knows how many times, that is exactly what i'm trying to say. if you don't know that the land is being shot and a shooter doesn't know your there you are essentially walking downrange of them which is not a good situation for either party to find themselves in.


i think the years of looking over the shoulder have taken their toll and made a lot of you guys a bit paranoid!!!

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You are a big drama queen.the lads were After rabbits.just rabbits.

They weren't going to steal your Akita or your tractor or even your roses.

What response did you really expect on here.

People to pour out sympathy to you.

As I said in my other post it's like you walking into a casino and telling everyone that gambling is bad or.

Walking into a pub and telling everyone that drinking is bad for you.

And you really expect us to believe you've never poached ever.

What about your mates have they poached most definitely.

When lads are young and super keen for a bunny they will stray.

and you are banging on about a richote bullet hitting someone.

I hope you don't shot anyone or there dog.for your own sake.

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It does sound like you are making gestures that someone on your land will be shot.


quite the opposite.


i know some folk around here who have happily put a shot over a poachers head. I won't do it as its just not a sensible thing to do. regardless of the situation and despite repeating it god knows how many times, that is exactly what i'm trying to say. if you don't know that the land is being shot and a shooter doesn't know your there you are essentially walking downrange of them which is not a good situation for either party to find themselves in.


i think the years of looking over the shoulder have taken their toll and made a lot of you guys a bit paranoid!!!



I don't poach and I read it like king did too. Must have been how you typed it.

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It does sound like you are making gestures that someone on your land will be shot.


quite the opposite.


i know some folk around here who have happily put a shot over a poachers head. I won't do it as its just not a sensible thing to do. regardless of the situation and despite repeating it god knows how many times, that is exactly what i'm trying to say. if you don't know that the land is being shot and a shooter doesn't know your there you are essentially walking downrange of them which is not a good situation for either party to find themselves in.


i think the years of looking over the shoulder have taken their toll and made a lot of you guys a bit paranoid!!!

i hope no one walks over your roses carrying some strong weed killer or lime and sprays it about you sound like a right prick fella.

And just to add that if I'm caught on your land with my young lad lamping and your gun gets pointed anywhere near my lad or even worse shooting above his head.

I will beat you with that gun and you will never walk your own land again.

You are a wrong 1 I bet you think you are John Wayne walking about your fields carrying your gun.you sad twat

Edited by king
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