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Ratting With Ferrets N Terriers

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Me n a mate have perm for ratting we got there n we could see the holes n when we moved a few things we seen loads of crap fresh,n runs where they were going under the chicken coops we stuck ferrets under but nothing bolted so moved to the next place same again loads of holes n runs but nothing bolting any ideas ? Tia

Edited by ruggers13
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Walk the dogs around the sheds at night , they will soon start bumping into them.

Take an air rifle an use the terriers as back up.

Feed the odd rat to the ferret and persevere


Just remember ...patience .. It will not happen overnight.


Atb th.

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Ferreting rats is a job ONLY for the experienced ferret and be warned, your pug will pick up injuries, maybe fatal ones. Be prepared to treat them immediately or your ferret will fail quickly. I used to ferret rats years ago and it's a brutal and hard way of life for the ferret. I lost a couple through injuries and in the end I came away from using them for ratting. Jill's become hardened and are useless at rabbiting, as they become so adept and quick, they more than often killed below and to handle were not always agreeable. I started using hobs to shift rats and they were more suited to it where I worked them. Always think of your stinkers, they work hard for you so give them the best you can?

Edited by cragman
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You're not joking Cragman. I once got a ferret that had been living wild on the Hill of Howth near Dublin for a while. She'd been seen several times before being caught and once caught, funny enough, was still easy to handle.

But it was obvious she'd seen plenty of rats. Just think of a heavily worked terrier.

And she was sharp, she was too sharp.

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Ruggers, the ferrets I used were bred for ratting and used now and then for rabbiting but they were far too quick and fired up for it. I don't suppose an easy day on the coneys will do them harm, in fact I'd say they would be OK. Hobs will fit anywhere and once a rat knows what's coming they'll be out of it quickly.

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