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Best Test Of A Lurcher

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The greatest test for a lurcher has to be living with some of the folk on here. . . . .

I speak to lad from all over the country that hunt different things and one thing I noticed is most think their way of doing things in the only way and if your dog can't do that its shit! Me and mutts

I think using a lurcher thats not built or bred for certain quarry can be a test I.e a bull x on hares etc . Or seeing a skinny whippet cross putting their all into a fox. And it's always great

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Before any ban, in your eyes ( reminder everyone worked different quarry!) what quarry was your favourite to hunt and why? What do you think the best test was , rat, rabbit, hare , fox or deer? Daytime I'd say a hare or a deer and night time would be a fox!

There is and as always been only one thing a lurcher as ever needed to do,please its owners hunting lifestyle,if it needs to do anything more you should not own it.

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unless someone has ran there dogs on everything there is to chase it's a bit hard to say, as has been said before different dogs for different game. A rabbit can be a challenge for a 30 inch staghound like a deer would be for 20 inch whippet . I hunt fairly rough country for fox and we (me and dogs) miss more than we get but I like it, when they do make a catch it is very rewarding.

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Golf course rabbits pre ban


them things are ninjas

I didnt know that about golf corse rabbits my first cross bull grey does ok on the local golf course not big bags two or three the odd time i lamp it

Me and hay min had permission on a golf course years ago and I will say they weren't easy put it that way
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