coneykenny 98 Posted February 16, 2016 Report Share Posted February 16, 2016 There's a hill out the road about 5 miles with plenty rabbits on it and every time we go ferreting there I make a point of reminding my lad that when I was 12 ,myself and a cousin would cycle out to here ,two ferrets and ten purse nets.we'd spend hrs out there and always had a good was there I lost my first ever ferret ,an albino jill. I got her when I was ten. A neighbour had her but couldn't handle her,so I convinced my parents to let me take her on.On that day on the hill I stayed as long I could,but it was getting dark and I knew the parents would worry and my stomach thought my throat was cut! I blocked up the holes as best I could from a stone ditch nearby and descended the hill glancing back up the hill occasionally in the hope of a dash of white in the fading light.I never was one for rising early for school but that morning I was on the bike at 6.30 and out the was still dark when I reached the bottom of the hill so I waited till the sun got up a bit before heading up.About 50 yards from the burrows my heart quickened,there she was standing on a stone outside the I approached her she started making her way towards me.I had her back!I got to school on time feeling great that morning,although my maths teacher did say I looked tired and lazy and maybe I should get to bed earlier at night.little did she know!that ferret which was name jill produced some great bags and offspring. 11 Quote Link to post
Daniel cain 46,354 Posted February 17, 2016 Report Share Posted February 17, 2016 Nice one,I had a Jill once that was like a dog,whistle it, it would come,played and lick you like a dog lol,run up yor leg to your shoulders and nibble your ears,sick to my stomach when young terrier pup I was kennelling for a mate killed her,a good un is worth thier weight in gold imo.atb dc 1 Quote Link to post
Meeks 153 Posted February 17, 2016 Report Share Posted February 17, 2016 Love reading wee stories like this.i lost a hob ferret like this one day when I was about 14.waited on him till it was dark but no up first thing and walked the couple miles to the golf course where I had left him with a torch in my hand.finally got to the warren,it was still dark but looking with the torch with no sign.i went to the hole I put him down and whistled a couple times.sure as hell about 30seconds later he appeared covered in blood,fat belly and looking like he had just woken up lol. Still value my ferrets as much these days but no need to leave them behind nowadays.just need to get the shovel out. Another time my best mate and ferreting partner all my days lost a ferret in a 4holer.i wasn't there this time but with it only being a 4holer and quite shallow(so they thought) him and his dad retuned the next morning after blocking all the holes.they soon started digging and down a few feet realised they were on top of a mine shaft like thing they could see the ferret way down this hole.they got a bit of rope and attached a box to it and lowered it down and the ferret walked into the box a they got they ferret.the shaft thing was 22ft deep and they had been standing on it only supported by a couple feet of soil and a few roots.lucky boys and ferret.sorry for rambling just thought I'd share a wee story 7 Quote Link to post
Chicken_man 1,651 Posted February 17, 2016 Report Share Posted February 17, 2016 Great stories lads. Atb Quote Link to post
samuria 331 Posted February 17, 2016 Report Share Posted February 17, 2016 nice tales, from people who treat there ferrets with respect 1 Quote Link to post
CraignTod 278 Posted February 18, 2016 Report Share Posted February 18, 2016 Good ol' story ?? I lost my first ferret this year, been spotted in a garden about half a mile away but they were to scared to pick it up!! Gutted that was about 2 months ago. Reckon it could still be alive now? Quote Link to post
Chicken_man 1,651 Posted February 18, 2016 Report Share Posted February 18, 2016 Many yrs ago me and my step brother were ferreting a large warren in a steep bank. This was way before locators. Anyway, we managed to get a decent haul and were thinking about stopping, when we thought we'd have one last slip of the ferret. We entered the ferrets and waited a while, when out pops our ferrets and an extra one. She was very skinny, but tame. We took her home and later found out she was thel local keepers. He had lost her a couple of weeks earlier and spent an age trying to get her back. He was very pleased to see her and praised us no end, in fact he offered us a cocker pup, which neither of us was able to take. I reckon an awful lot of ferrets met there end to situations like that, but thankfully this was a happy ending. Atb 3 Quote Link to post
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