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Leaving The Eu

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Lol, not sure I believe it tbh. He's explicitly said that he wants a United States of Europe under one currency and one army..... hmmmm brace for the punch line....


I couldn't give a f**k either way. I truly respect everyone's opinion on this. Just seems too much like the beginning of a joke from him.

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"We will never join the Euro" - it was never going to happen. Never, ever an issue !"No involvement in "ever-closer union" - we've never had any and have been exempt since Thatchers days ! "Opting ou

Careful what you wish for, I live in central Scotland and come in contact with a broad section of people, regardless of wee Kranky and snp's claims I don't know anyone who would now vote for independe

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Lol, not sure I believe it tbh. He's explicitly said that he wants a United States of Europe under one currency and one army..... hmmmm brace for the punch line....


I couldn't give a f**k either way. I truly respect everyone's opinion on this. Just seems too much like the beginning of a joke from him.


TBH I thought his article had an air of satire to it too :laugh:

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Don't forget to send your EU propaganda leaflets to:

Attn: Joanna George,
The Conservative Party Foundation
30 Millbank

Won't even cost the price of a stamp! As the leaflet is 4 double pages, tear them in half and send 8 letters!

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Over 4k per household they reckon they also found a rabbit in the hat they pulled that figure from

MONEY will buy the votes, have yous not seen the scare tactics??? All about how skint were gonna be if we leave

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I read something interesting the other day......see politicians (and by default and because it gets repeated so many times, us) measure life I terms of GDP.

But, the problem with GDP is that it can only measure numbers......it can't take account of how happy or content people's life is or indeed, is not.

I look at it like this, if 4 grand is what it takes to get politicians governing for the people that elect them again, if it gets rid of the myriad officials and their greed for OUR money, if it stops ordinary folk feeling like hunted animals then it's f***ing cheap at twice the price !

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spoke to four different farmers today and they all say theyre voting out,no question.

But the farmers union is promoting stay in.

So is the Labour Party... but labour voters in their millions will vote out


So is the Conservative party ...but millions of their voters will vote out


Lets all of us, the 1s that really matter promote OUT...OUT...OUT

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