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Starting A Line Of Lurchers

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I think unless you do loads and can keep a couple or have plenty of honest friends to keep pups ,and see them work, its hard to keep a line going.

If you can only keep 1 pup per mating and that don't make it ,and you have sold / culled /given away pups and can't get any back that could be the end of the line .

So give away on terms ,that you can use in future to honest lads ....that's the hard bit though.

Also start with stock that are the best you can get to start with.As you can't put in what ain't there to start with.

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no its greyhound kelpie,cost me a fukin fortune lol.had to drive 3 hrs to the ferry,get on the ship,travel to wales,get to the town of the breeder,stay for a bit,pay 250 sterling for her,drive back an

for get about breeds jest get a pup form the best dam and sire you have seen work have very very hi standuds look at dozens of dogs if you can evan more. when you are happy with a sire and dam i would

id be looking for "good temperament" in what i bred aswel as well as working ability, i cant stand nuisance dogs and nutters, no matter how well there bred, you could give me the best working dog in t

  On 15/02/2016 at 19:27, Somewhereyournot said:


  On 15/02/2016 at 19:00, bob84 said:


  On 15/02/2016 at 18:14, jigsaw said:

yeah on the kelpie SWYN,im just contemplating a pup from her,have 5 months more to make a decision,depends how things go for the next few months,

go on go on you know u want to save me looking any further then ha .
any pics of the kelpie


lol,dont start me......i have a ''few''...






12 weeks old retrieving.




sitting and staying at same age.



ferreting solo




out goating






working with nets




natural at marking rabbits.




stock steady..there that should do ye lol,and believe me shes a delight to live with

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no its greyhound kelpie,cost me a fukin fortune lol.had to drive 3 hrs to the ferry,get on the ship,travel to wales,get to the town of the breeder,stay for a bit,pay 250 sterling for her,drive back and ON THE WAY,,,,,,,,THE FRIGGIN CAR BROKE DOWN,.someone was praying for me that night,I had 2 ferret kits,an 8 week old pup and a 12 year old boy and stranded in a layby on some unknown road.After 20 minutes stranded, a van pulls in,all my credit used up I go ask for the driver if hed ring a mechanic or someone that might be able to help.I swear to god above,the next bit is true....who wa after pulling in for his lunch but THE AA MAN........I told him my dilema,offered him my last £200 if he could just sort the car to reach the ferry,in half an hour sorted,he refused to take money but i took his adress and sorted him when I got back.Reached the ferry with an hour to spare,and got home for the next day.In total this bitch cost me 900 euros all told,but looking back it was the best money ever spent.and thats true ,,,every word of it.lol


her grandsire on the kelpie side was Kane kripto i believe, and her sire is a dog that was owned by dave sleight, a retired greyhound.

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Not many people actually keep a true line of lurcher.more just unrelated lurcher to lurcher bred dogs not really line breeding not many lurcher men/women have the space or time/work to put in to all the dogs required to breed a lurcher line

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thats my thinking too,id not be interested in creating or trying to generate a line,just breed two good parents together and you ''should'' get some usefull pups



shes got the brains and i have advertised for a multi tasking stud dog on FB but no replies. so maybe a full hound will be considered.I tell ye if i had to decide between the wife and this bitch ,it would be a cliff hanger lol.If she could cook as good as herself it would be a no brainer lol

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  On 15/02/2016 at 22:26, Ross M said:

I why not your first x sonic?

I have enough saluki blood in the kennells,i like to keep a good old rough and ready collie mix for my adventures .....or misadventure if the truth be told lol


the one bit of bother i will have im sure is getting her mated.she does not tolerate any dogs interfering with her,and it might defo turn into a rape job.

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  On 15/02/2016 at 23:05, Giro said:

Jigsaw that's some palarva..


Good on you & AA bloke sounded top chap..


Good job she's shaping up top class for you..

and i had a bit of a chat with the AA man while he worked his magic and it unfolded he was an ex british soldier and did a stint in northern Ireland,but he was one sound bloke,I had thermostat problems,he sorted it out by keeping some part open with stainless screws ,then after a while the rad burst in the car,fixed that and the head gasket went,and I gave the car away to a neighbour for feck all,signed it over and he took it away,spent 600 on it,drove it for 4 months and the engine blew lol,No more beemers for me thanks

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