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  On 12/03/2016 at 21:26, albert64 said:


  On 12/03/2016 at 18:18, ryaldinhio said:

That is a beast of a pond albert! Mine was about 8000litres I think and that was too big for the garden really!!! Proper job aswell if heated and sand filters.


Ive had a look in mi shed rex and I dont have filter or pump anymore. There is a UV light you are welcome to if you want it. its about 3ft long tube do a good job for your pond. Not sure how you incorporate it in a gravity fed system though?

just put the pump in the last chamber or if its inline put it after the the filters but before the uv

don't put the uv before the filters

I used to have it after the pump before the filter but I didnt have a bottom drain type.

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  On 20/03/2016 at 08:30, foxdropper said:

Very nice mate ,neat bricky too .Come spring every year you will need to jet wash everything though to keep prestine .Do a cheap ph test before adding any koi ,will save you money in long run .

Cheers mate The bloke at the aquarium where we get are tropical fish from is going to set it all up when it's read to fill up pal :thumbs:

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Jeppi very nice build a credit to you, but I was told by a koi dealer your never happy with your first pond because once you get into koi you want big fish which means bigger ponds and he is right.

64 tons of clay and still counting and all barrowed through a gate




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Thank you mate. Well the pond was ment to be 16ft X 6ft but didn't want to start big and not be able to keep on top of things with it. The size I have is just right as it's mainly r lass that wants it tbh but I like it the more I look at it lol. My garden is quite big so maybe in a few years and see how we get on with this one I could have a bigger one built. That's some clay you have shifted mate should look good when finished. How big you making your pond ?

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  On 21/03/2016 at 07:50, jeppi26 said:

Thank you mate. Well the pond was ment to be 16ft X 6ft but didn't want to start big and not be able to keep on top of things with it. The size I have is just right as it's mainly r lass that wants it tbh but I like it the more I look at it lol. My garden is quite big so maybe in a few years and see how we get on with this one I could have a bigger one built. That's some clay you have shifted mate should look good when finished. How big you making your pond ?

It's 5 meters by 3 meters at its widest, not finished yet still got loads to do

I will start a thread start to finish

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Right lads my pond as ad it's last couple of coats of paint today and ready for the big fill in 14 days. What would be best before adding the fish?? Filling the pond and leaving it afew weeks before adding fish or getting some water (bacteria) out of a pond that's already established?

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The best and safest is rain water but tap water fill it and start the pumps day two .Fill with hose that allows water to splash into pond as chlorine evaporates faster when air gets to it .You will need to cover that pond mate with fruit mesh or something or you will lose your fish to the bloody heron as i found out to my cost first year.Was given some cracking large gold fish around pound mark and woke up to dogs going berserk early one morning in summer and heron had speared a fish and dragged it out on the decking .No matter how urban you are they will find it and visit first light and its devastating to see your stock disappear .

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fill it wi hose rex. as fox dropper says though make it splash as it goes in, i.e. trap your hose at the top edge of the pond pointing in rather than havin hose on bottom filling up if that makes sense. You can get an additive/treatment to put in your filter to give that a boost because that is where the important good bacterias and stuff are. Get ursen a couple test kits, one for ph and one for nitrates. about 5-10quid for kit and itll last 6months if regular testing longer if you only use it now and then. One of the biggest problems at this time of year will be water temperature because when u fill it from the tap i would expect it to be quite a bit cooler than whatever water the potential stock fish are in now and itll take a while for the temp to get up. Id be tempted to fill it, get some plants in it and let it run for a month or so. I do know its easier said than done tho day after its full you will wana see fish in it!!!

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