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Well I've been putting this of for awhile due to one thing or another. So I've got till Monday to sort it all out before I start back at work.


I'll get some pics up of the progress tomorrow, got my work cut out for me.



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Thought f**k it, a wee electric shock won't do to much harm! Aha


Managed to get the kennel floor and a wall done before the light faded.

The misses doesn't know it yet but valentines day is cancelled! Back at it tomorrow morning hopefully get the kennel finished.

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Managed to get a good bit done today and tbh I'm quite pleased with the outcome! Was supposed to have an extra pair of hands but that fell through.


Just got to insulate the walls, lace it with cladding and felt the roof.
















I found all these little cards all over the house and even my fag packet, safe to sat the misses wasn't too bothered. She's some lass



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Been back at work since Monday and I work 12hr days so not had much time.

I'm off Friday Saturday, so should have it finished Friday morning.


Also, had quite a bit of rain over the past few days and it's blown dry inside! Result.


I'll get some pics up Friday when it's finished.

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