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Advice On Dam

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Dam had a litter of 10 and cared for them throughout right up until they were weaned off. Pups are gone apart from 1 that we kept, however dam has started acting aggressive towards it and won't take to pup at all. Looking for advice on getting them settled together? Sire is completely fine with pup.

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how old is pup now ? if starting to mature mothership can kind of leave and pack leader authority can start taking it place. this is a natural response in wild. kind of telling them im boss dont challange me and sort of now its time you fend for your self. if younger like 8-10 maybe still trying to feed off her with notging to give ?????

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Pup is 5 months old, and as far as I'm aware doesn't look to feed off her at all, he doesn't go near her really but if their paths do cross she starts barking and going for him, although she's never actually grabbed him. She's also become more timid and started barking at other strange dogs when out too, whereas before she passed without a care in the world! Not sure if motherhood has changed her attitude or if she'll resort back to old ways in time?

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How old is the bitch?10 pups is a lot for any bitch to raise probably f****d off,had similar with terrier bitches in the past and it just gets worse,until they can't stand each other,then one will have to go.hope you find a solution could just be jealousy ether way you need eyes in your arse hole, atb dc

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