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At Last!!!

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after many hour of paper punching with my ultra and even more hours of wondering around my permission trying to teach myself to be stealthy. but never working out why all the rabbits spot me a hundred yards of and peigons taking flight as soon as i step out of my front door and landing in trees in the forbidden lands of next door. i finally got my first rabbit. to some of you this sounds trivial but for me a huge achievement. so driving uo the track between sheds dong my night time checks of the chickens

i spotted the little bugger sitting out in the field so i jumped out of my truck probably making to much noise but it just hopped even closer :boogy: so after a quick squeeze it dropped where it sat with a beaut of a head shot happy days. but does any one have any tips on how to be bit stealthier I'm guessing the ground being so sodden doesn't help me on that front but any help would be great


cheers ben

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Im by no means an expert but I find the obvious things are always worth considering- dont be a big silhouette on the skyline or in the middle of the field, cover up naked skin, and break up large areas- ie camouflage clothes? If you struggle during the day with rabbits have you considered lamping?


I also do a lot of pigeon shooting from concealed positions and wait for them to come to me, if you dont mind a bit of waiting then just plonk down under a favourable oak out of sight but with a clear line of sight (if you are able to then build a nice little hide!)

I have a field that is lined by walnut trees down one side, I find that decoys out in the field draws them in and they land in these trees before coming down to the floor and we can pick them off in the trees or when they come down!


All a matter of finding what works for you and most of all what you enjoy! well done with the rabbit and keep it up :D



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One of the first things I found when I started out was when stalking a rabbit only creep towards it when it's got it's head down feeding and if it raises it's head stop and wait for it to start feeding again. Then slowly start taking another step. Very basic thing to mention I know but Iv seen many people carry on sneaking up and then they bolt.


If you can't get close to start with then lay out on something like your gun bag to stop you getting cold while wearing camo and a face viel.

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You'll remember this one and as said will be the first of many,every chance you get practise,when i walk my dogs i "stalk",as in watch where my feet are going and such,just trying to be quiet,if i see anything i try to get close,use things between as cover,strange hobby but hey ho,tom that advice about the head down is something I was taught as a kid and still tell people now,same with birds feeding or preening,when its head goes down you go forward,don't hear it said much but one of those things right at the front of my mind!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I found as a very young lad that field craft and stalking methods need just as much practice as your shooting.

Especially at air rifle distances, the closer you need to get the more stelth needed.


Regards Tez

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  On 02/03/2016 at 18:36, David.evans said:

Walk with the wind in your face and the sun on your back if possible !

As said lie up if you can stand the cold this time of year


Man up David , you little girl :tongue2::laugh::thumbs:

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