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Jobs - Love 'em? Hate 'em?

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Gobbling off........kind of bars are you working the door at?..?

I had a proper job years ago, hated it ! Then when I worked for myself you just had to work when the earner presented itself, this has involved cancelling holidays 2 days before you are due to fly, w

During the Autumn/Winter months,.into the early Spring,..I trap moles and honour a few contracts, to control rabbits/squirrels, etc... When the weather starts to warm up,..I go on the Wasps....   B

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on site in England lab they get the site labourers to do the fencing pal....

?.....when I was learning my trade I had brickies offering me a job. If anyone has dug a hole in Dundee they will know why. Digging through rock with a pinch is no fun.

Anyway your a plasterer.....you shouldn't be on here talking about hard work...??

doing met sec in the rain for the forseable
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Worked in the glass industry 75% of my working life.The worst jobs were install/repair of lighting and install replace thermocouples for temp measurement above furnaces. Had to wear suits as in pics drink electrolytes etc the heat is hard to explain very very uncomfortable.



Edited by darbo
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Do sparks only work on houses? Plenty of heavy work in bad conditions in heavy industry worked on many furnaces in the glass making industry hot enough to make your head boil.


Only joking mate, couple of good mates are sparkies, they are both hard grafters tbf...


Plumbers on the other hand.......... :whistling::D

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Bloody hell reading some of these replies makes me think maybe i didnt make such a bad career choice after all !.....Getting punched in the face for a living sounds a breeze compared to some of this :D



Working with my old man there was always the chance of getting punched in the face, if the flying hammer didn't hit you first lol.....

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My last job was in Nuclear power. I`ve been inside one of the reactors wearing full contam protection. Was interesting :blink:


Would go back there to work in a heartbeat.

Lad I worked with ate a dodgy prawn sandwich just before a reactor dive at Hunterston a few years ago..., once down he projectile vomited all over the inside of his hood ?
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Plastering can be a hard job as well on the sites

Yeah plastering a a tuff job. But fencing that's a glorified groundworkers job. Lol
you don't need a brain to dig 2 ft holes for a post with a grafter ffs lol,nail gun for gravel boards ,rails and boards fencing is piss easy imo,spent all day digging out a man hole and rings because some cock put a bend in the line,and it was live with every fuckers shit and jam rags lol.atb dc
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Plastering can be a hard job as well on the sites

Yeah plastering a a tuff job. But fencing that's a glorified groundworkers job. Lol
you don't need a brain to dig 2 ft holes for a post with a grafter ffs lol,nail gun for gravel boards ,rails and boards fencing is piss easy imo,spent all day digging out a man hole and rings because some cock put a bend in the line,and it was live with every fuckers shit and jam rags lol.atb dc
?.....another cowboy...."fencing, ah can do that"

Oh dear the fence seems to resemble a piece of shit!.....Loads like you, don't worry.

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work offshore , Rope Access Supervisor, blasting and painting. 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. been doing it for past 10 years. pays the bills and i live for the time off. Downside is offshore full of backstabbing two taced cock sucking rats. worse than a sewing circle for gossip and liers and bullshitters. still, when i land back onshore i leave it all behind for 2 whole weeks...bliss

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Plastering can be a hard job as well on the sites

Yeah plastering a a tuff job. But fencing that's a glorified groundworkers job. Lol
you don't need a brain to dig 2 ft holes for a post with a grafter ffs lol,nail gun for gravel boards ,rails and boards fencing is piss easy imo,spent all day digging out a man hole and rings because some cock put a bend in the line,and it was live with every fuckers shit and jam rags lol.atb dc
.....another cowboy...."fencing, ah can do that"

Oh dear the fence seems to resemble a piece of shit!.....Loads like you, don't worry.

oh chocolate boy,when you can handle more than two cans of cider and not have to hold on to my l200 all night I may take you serious lol-fencing is a piece of piss you must find it hard cause you a big Jessie. Atb dc
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Plastering can be a hard job as well on the sites

Yeah plastering a a tuff job. But fencing that's a glorified groundworkers job. Lol
you don't need a brain to dig 2 ft holes for a post with a grafter ffs lol,nail gun for gravel boards ,rails and boards fencing is piss easy imo,spent all day digging out a man hole and rings because some cock put a bend in the line,and it was live with every fuckers shit and jam rags lol.atb dc
.....another cowboy...."fencing, ah can do that"

Oh dear the fence seems to resemble a piece of shit!.....Loads like you, don't worry.

oh chocolate boy,when you can handle more than two cans of cider and not have to hold on to my l200 all night I may take you serious lol-fencing is a piece of piss you must find it hard cause you a big Jessie. Atb dc

??......blame Newkid. And I do seem to remember it was a bucket full...??

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Just for you jessieripped the old one dwn,set posts,railed and boarded and had time to make the gate in the SAME DAY on my Todd,lol charged them 900 labour-that's how I roll,all you could teach me about fencing/landscaping you could fit on the back of a second class stamp lol,stick to your pheasants and drinking scumpy lol.atb dc ;)

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