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Jobs - Love 'em? Hate 'em?

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The biggest question is what's more important happiness in work or the money.... At the minute its money for me.

Money for me 100%. I don't go work to have fun. Sure it helps. But I go to bring in coin. No other reason. Yeh it's a bit shit when you're getting on for 20 days without a day off, but I would rather that than be working part time and come Christmas have to count penny's or land up in debt come January. f**k that.

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Gobbling off........kind of bars are you working the door at?..?

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The biggest question is what's more important happiness in work or the money.... At the minute its money for me.

Money for me 100%. I don't go work to have fun. Sure it helps. But I go to bring in coin. No other reason. Yeh it's a bit shit when you're getting on for 20 days without a day off, but I would rather that than be working part time and come Christmas have to count penny's or land up in debt come January. f**k that.

I'm on about 6 weeks now I think without a day off with about a month more to go ... I'm wrung out to be honest but you can't turn work down and as you say it's coin ........

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Ive worked 1 week in the last month,just off the phone to the lad i work for mostly,he hasnt worked in 3 weeks,we're house/shop/industrial painters(in fact anything you want painted we do it lol)but theres nothing happening here due to the weather and probably after the christmas splurge,All you with jobs be happy,its no fun when youve got feck all coming in.Hopefully another month we ''SHOULD'' be back in the swing of things I hope.


Ive worked as a labrour for a plastering firm for 16 months,drove a van for a furniture centre,worked in a greyhound kennells(dream job,fuk all money) cleaner in an abbotoir in the evenings,and even trapped rats for a few people years ago for a few quid,id do anything just to pass the time away,the house is getting a splash of colour now just to have something to do lol.I have to say i enjoy getting up evry morning for work,and now ive none I still rise at 6.45 a.m. which makes the day one long ordeal when yer off.

Edited by jigsaw
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sorry socks,that wasnt aimed at you at all,that was just in general to anyone that hates their job or has ''too much work''......until you have none you wont appreciate how good it is to have lots lol

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ive been a electrician for 36 years mostly on big industrial sites, For the last 7 years all the works been in prisons which can be a real eye opener at times

constructing new prisons darbo or maintenance/alterations of existing? Im a spark by trade but off the tools now. done a few new blocks in prisons amd some extensiins/refurbs I actually enjoy prison work, back to proper trunking and conduit systems wired in singles instead of twin and basket that gets chucked everywhere nowadays.

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Work its all a part of life,you start school at 4 year old some were lucky and went on to college university and so on more not so lucky and ended up doing back breaking work for most of there adult lives and then come retirement age they are too f****d up to enjoy it.I have worked on the buildings since i was 12half between labouring to brickies and plasterers to concreteing,then scaffolding for over 20 years,i now work in a factory sitting on my arse for 8 hours a day and get the same respect as i did when i was breaking my bollox,makes you wonder at times.I listen to young lads in the factory complaining they were working hard and i just shake my head and turn away.I remember doing a scaffold job about 6 year ago and got 2 as i taught hardy young lads for the day to help me,they were in there early 20s.That evening when the job was finished and i got paid and then we went to the local for a pint where i duly paid the 2 lads a good days wages for there help.When i was leaving i asked would they be interested in a bit of work again if it came about and both said no way that that sort of work was way too hard,f**k that,i said try doing it 6 days a week for 20 years.

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ive been a electrician for 36 years mostly on big industrial sites, For the last 7 years all the works been in prisons which can be a real eye opener at times

constructing new prisons darbo or maintenance/alterations of existing? Im a spark by trade but off the tools now. done a few new blocks in prisons amd some extensiins/refurbs I actually enjoy prison work, back to proper trunking and conduit systems wired in singles instead of twin and basket that gets chucked everywhere nowadays.


Maintenance pms and new installation work. ive always worked with conduit,trunking .tray ladder rack etc since i was a apprentice many moons ago. :thumbs:

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I started in the job im in now in 2001 I'm trying to get redundancy out of it now it a long time standing in the one place doing much the same thing everyday its a toss up either go work for the wife uncle or stay going after the job I am after now the wife's uncle's work is 90% over seas but top money and the other job is good money and home every evening with work van and 18 mouths training.but if I don't get redundancy it fecks it up a bit so it a catch 22 at the minute,

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end up with a hump on yer back working.better off few quid here and there ime 650 a month plus rent paid before i get out of bed.people call it living of the state but if their giving handouts till refugees we might as well be at the front of the q.

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I got to find 1200 a month before I put food in my kids mouths,had car accident last yr and been told I probably got 5/7 yrs left doing what I'm doing,so when I finally get a pay out I be looking to set the wife up with a little sandwich shop come child cresh near our kids school.wanted to get into full time pest control but that don't look like it's going to happen,I be 43 not able to work and still have a five yr shortfall with my morgage,worked since I was 16,but there you go,I'm better off than most lol,may follow my younger brother and start pumping out the french bulldogs less risk than selling crack to schoolkids lol.atb dc

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