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The Great Benefits Handout £26,000.

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Thought for the day, give every adult in the UK a grand a month whatever their situation, this will stop all benefits/tax credits/state pensions/homelessness/council tax rebate/housing benefit and so on, all the civil servants in these departments not needed anymore, government ministers not needed anymore, a great incentive to achieve more, the housing market will flourish as will house building, win win, have a think about it, and another thing just 20% tax on earnings abolish all other taxes, if the country can not be run on a fifth of what the population earns then its just piss poor management, scrap all political parties and just put the best people to do the individual jobs in to replace them, just like any other business.

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Excellent program on last night,a social experiment,three long term unemployed families were given £26k in a briefcase,told to sign off income support and see how they faired.One guy is starting up a

The guy came across as enthusiastic,but not used to having excess cash,instead of just handing him a bag of paper they should have booked him in for a few sessions with a small business advisor then l

What a greasy f****r he was,i think they will spunk it,already the fella spent bundles on animals and then hes moaning that hes just given up 500 a week in benefits.. Think possibly he could go to wor

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