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Swoop And Her Offspring

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bitches bloodlines and the bitch I'm running today  

merlin and eve lines

Good to see plenty of Bedlington Terrier blood in these dogs,without it they would be shite,Saluki & Grey blood pfffft utter pish,Beddy lurchers through & through & you know it ?

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cant help you mate never even herd of it thought he was out of the dogs a long time ago atb with the pups mate thought i was goin to get hung 4 having 4 litters out of me old bitch i run her after her third litter [BANNED TEXT] a match had finished neither dogs killed a hare the old bitch ran 2 killed 2 nearly 8 years old then atb

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never see madgic run i kept tess back out of that litter my mate had lady there was nothing between the two bitchs both proper dogs every litter she had she produced proper hare killers a mate of mine had one out of dell and one out of beaney he would only run them now and then dead of winter and always do a proper job looked like they had been run twice a week for seasons as for madgic all the lads i spoke to said she was a realun and the bitch he bought out of the next litter lucy i think he called her they had banjo and ace of me to and lost another bitch with parvo no reason why she wouldnt of made top class to going to breed an old bitch this year shes as close to swoop as u would find keep the old line going atb mate

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north v south rambo v swoop run on the fen janurary a lad asked me about the match a few mounths ago it was her 28th match 26 wins lost 1 up until then rambo 1 swoop 2 rambo stoped his first hare missed the next two swoop missed her first stoped the next two and another two after the match the bitch had 46 matches in the end only lost 2 went back and rematched the other 2 dogs and beat both then went on to produce litters full of match winners and plenty that were not matched by there owners but were outstanding animals

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swoop was put to a dog called dell to produce her first litter there was a cream and white bitch out of this mateing who matched john davies ghost dog a lot of people have said he was swoops litterbrother he was rebel x eve back to dels luke the match was run on bottomless ground on the black land the ghost missed his first two the bitch killed her two job done

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Some good reading there SR, how was dell bred? Was the Ghost mentioned above the sister to Dels Rainey? Dels Luke X fly? I thought fly was merlin X eve? The Rambo swoop matched was he the Rambo by duke?


A brilliant bitch and a great producer ????

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im not 1oo per cent sure if ghost and rainy wer the same way bred dels luke went to the rebel eve bitch id say del took a pup so theres a good chance they are from the same litter fly was jeff smiths bitch the hoover went to her and produced merlin del was bred out of laddy x joe wilshires red bitch which produced duke the other side was fly x mushey which produced bess so duke went to bess and produced dell this was the second litter the first liter produced rebel kerry and sue who fh sold to the gaskins

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Jeffs son had a bitch from Merlin X eve, named fly mate, she were lined to dels Luke dog, they produced the bitch Rainey, she were lined to GC Joe to produce Titch and Jims belle from the second litter ?? I believe Cindys sire is bred out of titch by MN wolfie (Casper X Ruthie) ??

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