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Ffs mate I don't even think you are allowed to swap dogs on here, they ain't Xbox games, I was gonna come on an say summat sarky like, I'll have one aswell as they worth there weight in gold to me. But I seen you offering a swap and it honestly made me think, what a wa nker

:laugh: I feeling love katchum he's a class act

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I've got 2 shit lurchers here, one will catch anything but doesn't retrieve, one will retrieve anything but can't catch a cold, also got a bushing terrier that doesn't bush.


I would be willing to swap all 3 for some new bite alarms.

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f**k off you tit. the dog wouldent just go to enyone. iv got a dog here that i dont realy use ax mutch as i sould and in need of a terrior so way not offer a swap that could benifit me and someone else?

Did you win that dog you are swapping as last prize in a spelling competition I wonder.

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swapping a lurcher for a terrier? won't be long two more dogs on the merry go round, you want a terrier, go buy one from a decent breeder same for a lurcher.

there is another thread on here titled " no wonder this game is fcuked" prime example right here. Good luck you're going to need it.

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Both young lads swapping dogs. I don't get the logic behind this, when I bring a pup in it stays with me no mater what. You don't swap dogs like stickers in the playground. put yourself out and find your dog a good home. ?

Edited by stevo79
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