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Normally I hate to see anyone get flak from the law and the courts, but this as restored my belief in God, Santa, and the tooth fairy, :notworthy: this one individual, in my opinion over the years has set terrier men against terrier men, broken long lasting friendships, lied about honest decent folks stirred so much crap and it now looks as if all her shite is finally biting her in the arse :clapper:


Click on the link: http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/inverness.cfm?id=1831562007



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wasnt their a woman a few years back tried to breed a black mutation of wild cat she claimed it was found only in certain parts of the highlands and the skull was puma like, their was a book on it i cant remember the correct name but it was like the kelles cats is this the same woman. she had a few keepers trap them and the bodies were sent for tests it came back they were moggie cross wild cat. she tried to breed them but it was a bit of a disaster as she couldnt go near the feckers without getting slashed eventually they died of some virus.

Edited by ROOSTER
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I cant get the link to work.. :( ..


A NORTH Uist woman is to stand trial on a charge of illegally trying to sell a wildcat kitten. Susan Rothwell pleaded not guilty at Lochmaddy Sheriff Court yesterday to trading unlawfully in young wildcats, an endangered species.


Rothwell will go to trial early next year over the charge.


This article: http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/inverness.cfm?id=1831562007


Last updated: 21-Nov-07 01:00 GMT

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  • 2 months later...

Why waste good tomatoes?? :whistling: and with a bit of luck Imight be in the front benches, I've always said it "What goes around comes around" :thumbs:




Will you be there in the back benches shouting BOOOOO and throwing tomatoes then Tom? :laugh::laugh:
Edited by Foxgun Tom
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  • 4 weeks later...

All this bollox, because thats what it is - bollox may just come round and wipe the stupid grin of all your faces , talk about stand together, you are nothing more than self appointed bully boys who should be ashamed of yourselves picking on a woman , no wonder the 'working fraternity' gets hassle and a bad name with ambassadors like you - idiots , or is the SSPCA and the RSPCA your friend :doh: get a life lads, get real

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Right a couple of things the charge is not bollocks it a fact!


The Individuals gender male/female has no bearing on a persons morality or individual behavior


1/ A hearing is to be held at Lochmaddy Sherrif court in April


2/ The case is of interest to anyone who has dealings with the individual involved


3/ 10/22 is the individual involved or her partner


4/ The individual concerned has used other members accounts/passwords to cause shit here before


5/ The SSPCA/ RSPCA don't prosecute anyone in Scotland the Procurater Fiscals dept do!!


6/ This is another and usual ploy of the Individual who's been charged to stir up the thread so that the Mods remove it


As the Author of this thread I would respectfully ask that it does not be removed!! as the above points are accurate and factually correct If?? other individuals respond to the thread are deceptive or libeleous/slanderous then that individual post should be removed!!!!!!!!!!!


The matter could have dramatic effect on a terrier club, its members, and ordinary terrier men who work this breed:: therefore its of some importance to a lot of people within the hunting community


Respectfully to all moderating staff



Edited by Foxgun Tom
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