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Properly conducted terrier work has never in the last 200 years been in a better position than it is now... it has hard working dedicated federations with many individual WTC all over the U.K. & E

If it wasn't for Barrie Wade and his team we'd have no terrier work

Amen to that although i think his job is going to get harder every year , every so often some wanker makes a remark on face book page (maybe a anti) about how no one working there dogs right, and the

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its all well and good posting it here and i agree with it all ,but your preaching to the converted and maybe a anti or two may take some notice , no they wont , people need to get up to speed sites like this is not where its going on Facebook is where the terrier feds need pages and members putting people to task about the photos they are posting publicly condemning them myself and other who post here do this,Mr Cashmore pulled some one up for keeping there dogs in filthy conditions just the other day ,but it would be better coming from people from the federations, lets shame them out of the game or at least stop them posting these photos because they will spell the end of us


Some sensible words by Glynn, Len, hjkk , stopend.


Not everyone on here is a convert and wise words spoken about our game is always refreshing and if only some of this is taken on board then it is a good thing. A wise man once said to me we should go meet with the ANTIs. They might be surprised how much we really care about the countryside and the wildlife that we choose to hunt and manage, but not annihilate.

Regards Facebook and Feds. IMO the Feds can only rightly express their members opinion upon other members. What individual terriermen do on Facebook is beyond any direct control. Now if a Fed member is on Facebook making a clown of themselves and bringing terrier work in to disrepute than that is a different story and members can be dealt with through a disciplinary process. The IWTF members voted on this very subject at their last AGM. For non members it is like me telling my neighbours when to cut their grass..... I know what the answer is..... But I am also a believer that things can happen in mysterious ways and idiots can be "got to" in various ways. Who gives such clowns thier dogs, who gives them service, who speaks the them in the local pub, who brings them out in the countryside. Every now and again we should all make some effort in bringing the younger generation along to teach them how things should be done, otherwise they will only learn by their mistakes at all our expense. Some may never learn. Respect for wildlife be it quarry or pest. Respect for the landowners and their land and respect and patience for the humble working terrier. The hard man element has no place in our beloved pastime....

Edited by Corkman
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Going speaking to antis, no chance, any of them being okay, no, you might get the odd one, who isn't a fanatic, but I very much doubt it. I knew a woman who followed a hunt once, more into horses, she had encountered them said that the was no way of having a normal talk to one, who was there and the were vial and spitting. But the alot of bad apples around the dog game, and for a start not many can tell you the truth, or the a hypocrite

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The clowns on facebook give them all the amunition they need. There certain sites on facebook just for terrier work alone and the great terrier men putin up pictures of great digs and dogs chewed up lol and the very same terrier men only a year ago on here given out about the boys on the lurcher sites for slaughtering deer and fox's and put in them up on FB for the world to see lol.

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I deleted my Facebook account the other day in the space of 3 weeks 3 diffrent people had stole my pics what I seen on ther walls as Ther own pics and Jonnys book + the constant barrage of people asking to buy pups even sell my dogs got sick of it and hit the deactivate button lol

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Thats the shot, I went on it when you u mentioned bluck, but all else I could see is some man's, lurcher, terrier, hunting circle, it was fairly clean, lurchers, mainly but dogs for sale of some lads always, and a picture of a plummer,the was mainly like show lurchers, futurity,

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Try convert the anti's, lol, would you lads spouting this crap entertain and offer from the anti's to discuss their views and let them maybe convert you?

Not only would I not talk to anti's I don't even talk hunting to those who don't hunt.

I have no time for anyone who sits on a barstool etc. telling anyone who cares to listen of their great exploits. It's none of their business.

The only non hunting type I'm bothered with are farmers and they don't care how good you or your dogs are, they only want dead vermin. Simple as that.

The way I look at it is, there's two type of people who buy hunting book and mags or look at hunting web sites. They're either anti or hunters.

BUT, it's the fools within our ranks who give the bad photos etc. to the antis and they're very good at putting them in the public domain.

That's how they swell their ranks.

The only person I want to talk hunting too is a fellow hunter.

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I deleted my Facebook account the other day in the space of 3 weeks 3 diffrent people had stole my pics what I seen on ther walls as Ther own pics and Jonnys book + the constant barrage of people asking to buy pups even sell my dogs got sick of it and hit the deactivate button lol

being a member on here has caused me enough shit lol,wouldnt have a fb account as long as I had a hole in my arse atb dc
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Try convert the anti's, lol, would you lads spouting this crap entertain and offer from the anti's to discuss their views and let them maybe convert you?

Mary, the ANTI's are a pathethic and sad minority. Led by a bunch of deluded clowns, statistically lonely women with a fondness of a certain sexual persuasion. They are easily identified by their actions. Then we also have people so self absorbed with their own pitiful self importance that they cannot see beyond their own nose, I include hunting persons amongst that bunch.


Is James Barrington not an Ex League Director and now the Countryside Alliance animal welfare consultant???? Is doesn't get any better than that people should enlighten themselves as it is a diverse world out there!!


I am quite happy with the direction my moral compass is pointing, but I always take time to enlighten people about the reality of hunting rather than let them believe the garbage the ANTI's repeatedly churn out with the assistance of the substandard English media circus. I care enough about my pastime to quite often take this time to explain to people that do not know anymore than the tripe they are being fed in todays modern media. Most come away a little less opposed than before we conversed. I also have debated with out and out ANTI's and stepped into the lions den on occasion which is educational for me to see how out of touch with reality these people really are.


The one thing I am sure of. they will NEVER stop hunting.

Edited by Corkman
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Try convert the anti's, lol, would you lads spouting this crap entertain and offer from the anti's to discuss their views and let them maybe convert you?


Mary, the ANTI's are a pathethic and sad minority. Led by a bunch of deluded clowns, statistically lonely women with a fondness of a certain sexual persuasion. They are easily identified by their actions. Then we also have people so self absorbed with their own pitiful self importance that they cannot see beyond their own nose, I include hunting persons amongst that bunch.


Is James Barrington not an Ex League Director and now the Countryside Alliance animal welfare consultant???? Is doesn't get any better than that…… people should enlighten themselves as it is a diverse world out there!!


I am quite happy with the direction my moral compass is pointing, but I always take time to enlighten people about the reality of hunting rather than let them believe the garbage the ANTI's repeatedly churn out with the assistance of the substandard English media circus. I care enough about my pastime to quite often take this time to explain to people that do not no anymore than the tripe they are being fed in todays modern media. Most come away a little less opposed than before we conversed. I also have debated with out and out ANTI's and stepped into the lions den on occasion which is educational for me to see how out of touch with reality these people really are…….


The one thing I am sure of……. they will NEVER stop hunting.

amen to the last sentence
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