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No. Firstly because theres not a dog involved so the link between regular people and dogs that the anti's 'play on' is not there and secondly because being shot is seen as the most humane way to kill an animal so they know the public wont question it.

I dont shoot but understand that it is necessary and very effective, but whats been happening the last year or so with the night vision is worrying to say the least. Lads that used to shoot one or maybe 2 a night are now getting 5+ a night. Multiply that by all the lads out there doing it and it is decimating the fox population.

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Properly conducted terrier work has never in the last 200 years been in a better position than it is now... it has hard working dedicated federations with many individual WTC all over the U.K. & E

If it wasn't for Barrie Wade and his team we'd have no terrier work

Amen to that although i think his job is going to get harder every year , every so often some wanker makes a remark on face book page (maybe a anti) about how no one working there dogs right, and the

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You normally find the riffle men are failed dog men or too old to hunt with dogs so spoil a young man's fun that is willing to work hard to make young dogs riffles are killing our sport shooting too many numbers of foxes and shooting foxes with riffle is far from what I would call sport. easy too bate a field and wait with night sights fox don't even know your there. Sooner they ban shooting a riffle at night the better only a matter of time before someone gets killed.

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I know a bacon head who shot his own terrier that was marking a rabbit hole,rabbit bolted and ran past poor dog that had head down a hole and the numptys emptyed both barrels turned the poor sod inside out,Im very perticular who I have around me and my terriers with a gun,problem with the chocolate dogs and clowns with a itchy trigger finger thinking it's old charlie,shoot my dog by mistake and I roll you in with the back fill,some real f***ing idiots get tickets.atb dc

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Would be very deadly, surprised it hasn't happened in places where men, boys are shooting at night out of a jeep,if someone was in the woods or something,I heard of one guy who told a beagle man he shot a big one up near the forestry, Fox was just sat looking, with a tree behind it. The other fellas out shooting them at night too, some for the gun club,protecting the birds. Spoke with one dog lad the other month briefly and he was, saying, which he is a ego or whatever, I must of killed a hundred Foxes this year lamping me lurchers and uhh my terriers are very hard, dug 13 foot to one,

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I've seen a big decline in certain areas, nowhere near as many compared to years gone by. I met an older man that lives local to me on the site we were working on, got talking and I never knew yet he had an interest in hunting until he said he'd been out all night before. He'd shot 5 and one was at 320 paces from the roadside where he had shot it from. That doesn't mean anything to meapart from, I knew then why around the local spots I wasn't getting any joy with the dogs. Then there's other places I go to that are snared and shot out poisoned you name it and I've hit lucky and got a hunt. No matter what the fox will always be there and will survive just as well as the rest, that's one thing for certain.

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I know a bacon head who shot his own terrier that was marking a rabbit hole,rabbit bolted and ran past poor dog that had head down a hole and the numptys emptyed both barrels turned the poor sod inside out,Im very perticular who I have around me and my terriers with a gun,problem with the chocolate dogs and clowns with a itchy trigger finger thinking it's old charlie,shoot my dog by mistake and I roll you in with the back fill,some real f***ing idiots get tickets.atb dc

One of the reasons I went over to russells was because of idiots on fox drives nearly shooting my old red terriers, some folk pull the trigger before putting their brain in gear, even now I tell anyone out with me,you shoot my dog then you better be prepared to go the same way, also see a lot of lads take far out shots that do not cleanly kill fox,they will slip away and die in agony, not a nice way to go, Plucky

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Do the rifle boys attract the same attention from antis as other groups, genuine question?


The most humane and selective way to control pests is with working terriers. The houndmen know this fact, the Gunmen know this fact, the Government know this fact and the ANTI's know this fact. That is why the method is still in place along with a lot of explaining from the men that help protect our interests to people that know little about what we practice.


I would hazard a guess and estimate that more foxes have been killed post ban than pre ban. Well done the ANTI's and Animal Rights know it all's............. ?????


Mary, What type dogs do you keep and what do you work them on? Genuine Question.

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I had two in two days off this particular estate, both keepers use thermal imaging, it doesn't make them shoot any better.attachicon.gifreceived_163264924043382.jpeg

Exactly my point on the previous page, any fool can get a licence that has permo and no convictions but it doesn't mean they can shoot accurately,there should be a test on it and the safe backdrop, posh feckers that don't like walking or getting dirty do it the lazy way, I agree that keepers should use it as an extra tool but drawing cover and terrier work is the most efficient, Plucky

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That poor vixen was in a piss poor condition, the snow had been down for a couple of days and she'd stayed in throughout. We very nearly walked past, in fact truth be told I did, the old boy with me tried it and said the dog was marking. I told him not to bother because there was no trade but when I saw the dog mark I changed my mind, 1 foot dig and she was despatched quickly with no fuss or cruelty involved

Edited by dillydog
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You normally find the riffle men are failed dog men or too old to hunt with dogs so spoil a young man's fun that is willing to work hard to make young dogs riffles are killing our sport shooting too many numbers of foxes and shooting foxes with riffle is far from what I would call sport. easy too bate a field and wait with night sights fox don't even know your there. Sooner they ban shooting a riffle at night the better only a matter of time before someone gets killed.

TOO OLD TO HUNT lol ,don't be fooled foxbolter theres a lot of young lads into the rifles, it is very affective, but some of the numbers shot in some areas are sick. some young lads don't last two mins, following hounds on foot, some of us that are too old, are there at the end ,at our own pace, but always there till every hound is boxed up :thumbs: atb.

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I hate it when the only time lads touch the soil is when they pick up something they have just shot,imo not countrymen,never will be either and they shouldn't be out in it just taking from it all the time.If your going to hunt,shoot or what ever out there then do something to put back into it as it's not a never ending pot of gold...

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