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Oh no! Now the Scottish and the Welsh are cheering on France. :cray:


If England lose on Saturday, it means they will have only won the Calcutta Cup, Triple Crown and the 6 Nations competition. They'll be devastated. :laugh:


If they win, they can add the Grand Slam to that tally and you lot will all have to put it in your pipe and smoke it for another year. :toast:

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I will say this only once, and I mean it. Well played England. :clapper: So if I do not comment again on this game no one can say I disappeared when Wales lost.   TC

Holy shit,,,,,the silence is defining .......

I ain't paid for them. I'd have been watching the game on the TV. Got them off a mate who's company has a hospitality package. Free bar, free food, that sort of thing.   Result for me.

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Joe Marler might miss next week's game for calling Samson Lee "Gypsy Boy". Firstly, is it an insult to call a gypsy a gypsy? Secondly is Samson Lee really so precious he would be upset anyway? And is this a professional sport or kids in the playground?


This PC nonsense is getting to be a joke.

Indeed,Shay Clipson, the founder of the National Alliance of Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Women think that it's wrong to call someone a gypsy.........


If he used a derogatory term for it maybe, but to use a word they use themselves to describe themselves whats wrong with that ?

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Rupert, Quentin, Tarquin whatever your name is 50 million population and a total of one world cup ,you should be embarrassed mate. If the Celtic nations had populations like that our 5th best teams would be able to beat you. I think you need a bit of research on the history of these islands too, go back as far as the Romans maybe!. Right now the only country being invaded is England in 25 years time you will be a Muslim country! Wales only played for 10 minutes Saturday and still almost beat you, but never mind we won the only one that mattered. You spent all that money on your own world cup and lost at home to the Wales second team how embarrassing!!!. Now I will leave you for the final time with a few words from the oldest language in Europe 'CYMRU AM BYTH'

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Archeological evidence of wales being part of the roman empire being discovered daily old chap,next time you Celts want a bigger nation you will have to fight a little harder for it and not give it away so easily,Cardiff and other major welsh city's have a good percentage of foreign migrants muslim Hindu Sikh and many others quite easy to see the curry and kebab eateries in all major welsh towns.If English rugby fans by tickets to watch rugby it is the duty of the English rfu to invest that money wisely at all levels even grass roots,because of this investment we havnt had to sell our rugby history down the river renameing our national stadium at any sponsors whim,ime proud to see England doing so well and always will be through highs and lows.

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The comment was picked up on refs mic I think, certainly not heard of anyone in the Welsh camp complain apart from Rob Howley who seems to be the designated Welsh whiner.

Of course all the pundits had to jump on the bandwagon saying how terrible it is and get their column inches.

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Rupert, Quentin, Tarquin whatever your name is 50 million population and a total of one world cup ,you should be embarrassed mate. If the Celtic nations had populations like that our 5th best teams would be able to beat you. I think you need a bit of research on the history of these islands too, go back as far as the Romans maybe!. Right now the only country being invaded is England in 25 years time you will be a Muslim country! Wales only played for 10 minutes Saturday and still almost beat you, but never mind we won the only one that mattered. You spent all that money on your own world cup and lost at home to the Wales second team how embarrassing!!!. Now I will leave you for the final time with a few words from the oldest language in Europe 'CYMRU AM BYTH'


As over half your team are from English roots, maybe you should have won half a world cup.


You lost fair and square. now dry your eyes and move on.

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Its quite fitting that the final match should be in Paris such a big game for England having to meet the French on there own turf,both teams having a rich history of rugby both having played in world cup finals though the French unlike England have failed to win it.

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Joe Marler OK with the the strike not worthy of a red card,just the name calling charge now,what ever happens if I was him I wouldn't be getting my drive tar macced for a while.

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