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Barryvox Or Bellman

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Lads in your personal experiences of those who have used the Bellman and Barryvox was the Barryvox noticeably me accurate than the Bellman?

We seem to hit on the side of the dog most of the time using the Bellman, I see lads rate the Barryvox over the Bellman so I'm guessing it's more accurate?


We had a discussion yesterday after digging to the side of the dog yet again and it prompted the question?

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  On 01/02/2016 at 07:44, 5 feet down said:

Which bellman? The red box or the older piers box? I've never used the barryvox but own the red box and used the pieps for a couple of seasons! When I first used the pieps over the old knocker box I to found I was going down the side of the dog on slopes, anything more than 1.5 metres. Which actually is a good thing as why would you want to be on top of dog on deep dig it's easier to remove dog and dispatch quarry going down the side, and don't risk clasping on the dog!since owning the red box for last 3 seasons I found it very accurate always marks on top of dog, but I always dig just of to the side on purpose for ease at end of dig, I like the red box as it quiet and no batteries can't see the need for anything more accurate than it is

how do you know your digging down the side of the dog an not in front of the dog where you don't want to be digging??
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I've used them all and I can't see any difference, at least the bellman is made for digging, get the barryvox covered in shit and they won't honour any guarantee.


As for digging down the side if a dog, I'm long in the tooth enough to have used a bar, I still use a bar on most digs to but in no way can you work out which way your dog is pointing. The only way you can work it out is with an educated guess after following it with the box. The old knocker box was by far the best for this but I wouldn't go back ever.


I'll give you an example of the use of the bellman and it's massive benefits. Just last week I walked a farm with a friend, we checked every single earth he knew but nothing was at home. When we got back to the farm I let my bitch off the lead to climb the gate into the farm yard, I climbed the gate and was just picking up my shovel when I heard baying ! My mate looked as puzzled as me and didn't know what to make of it, I climbed back over the gate switched the box on and found the bitch one foot deep in the garden hedge ! It was one of those really thick impenetrable holly hedges, within a couple of minutes she'd drawn out a good size fox and before we could help her out they broke free and made their way down a gorse bank. I had that horrible sinking feeling that I'd now lost my bitch, she's got a hell of a nose on her and I knew she'd be following on the line.

We made our way down to the bottom of the gorse hill and got nothing, so we started to back track across the farm earth by earth. I can't tell you how sick I felt, step by step the life was draining out of me, I'm getting to old and soft for this shit. Long story short we made our way back to the earth she came from and half way across the original field the box screen kicked in with a 126 foot mark. She was under an oak tree and we'd not only missed this hole but obviously the hole she bolted it from, three foot later and the fox was accounted for plus one, we got a bonus in the pot too.

Bellman or barryvox who cares, they both do the same job and save terriers lives

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  On 01/02/2016 at 11:48, dillydog said:

I've used them all and I can't see any difference, at least the bellman is made for digging, get the barryvox covered in shit and they won't honour any guarantee.


As for digging down the side if a dog, I'm long in the tooth enough to have used a bar, I still use a bar on most digs to but in no way can you work out which way your dog is pointing. The only way you can work it out is with an educated guess after following it with the box. The old knocker box was by far the best for this but I wouldn't go back ever.


I'll give you an example of the use of the bellman and it's massive benefits. Just last week I walked a farm with a friend, we checked every single earth he knew but nothing was at home. When we got back to the farm I let my bitch off the lead to climb the gate into the farm yard, I climbed the gate and was just picking up my shovel when I heard baying ! My mate looked as puzzled as me and didn't know what to make of it, I climbed back over the gate switched the box on and found the bitch one foot deep in the garden hedge ! It was one of those really thick impenetrable holly hedges, within a couple of minutes she'd drawn out a good size fox and before we could help her out they broke free and made their way down a gorse bank. I had that horrible sinking feeling that I'd now lost my bitch, she's got a hell of a nose on her and I knew she'd be following on the line.

We made our way down to the bottom of the gorse hill and got nothing, so we started to back track across the farm earth by earth. I can't tell you how sick I felt, step by step the life was draining out of me, I'm getting to old and soft for this shit. Long story short we made our way back to the earth she came from and half way across the original field the box screen kicked in with a 126 foot mark. She was under an oak tree and we'd not only missed this hole but obviously the hole she bolted it from, three foot later and the fox was accounted for plus one, we got a bonus in the pot too.

Bellman or barryvox who cares, they both do the same job and save terriers lives

I was brought up on the grey box, and befor that no box at times lol,but watching my lads with the bellman which I am not allowed to mess with,they are the bees knees, no terrier should be without one these days.

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Used the pieps and the red box and never had an issue with either, considered using the barryvox when I last upgraded as everyone was raving about them but as the bellman kit is made and designed for purpose and there was hardly any difference in price I decided to stick with it and have no regrets!

As for digging down the side or behind etc I couldn't give a shite really, have done the same with all locator types and so long as I land on my dog who cares?

Atb Thrush.

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