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Wander With Mhopton Other Night

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Had a little look out Friday night with mhopton on here after a bit crack Thro pm.


He asked me to go on pretty short notice but I was keen to get out, chance to meet new people and see what there about.


So We set off about 9 to a spot he knows the night started very slow after walking a fair few fields and crossing a road we started to see a few rabbits not loads but a few to get the dogs going and a few in the bag.


We got in the car and away to the next spot where we got a few runs straight away, there was a few more rabbits about here and we bagged a few more, at this point the wind was getting stronger and the rain falling heavier which made it hard going for us to even walk about and hard to keep the rabbits in the lamp as we were getting hit in the face with rain and the wind makeing your eyes water.


Went along the road a little more to a spot that mhopton says holds a decent number of rabbits but they just weren't out in numbers he thought we would see due to the weather and water logged fields and any rabbits that were out were not hanging about so we split off on this one feild mhopton went right and down a bank lamping up and I went left we met up on the other side me with another two rabbits and unluckily for mhopton he didn't see anything his side, any way we headed back towards to motor a had a the odd one or 2 runs, anyway we got back to the motor dryer the dogs off as they were freezing and wet especially my dog as he ran a rabbit Thro a big puddle and drenched him self.


We had caught 16 rabbits between us 8 fir mhoptons dog blade and 8 for my dog diesel, it wasn't a numbers game just a chance to get out with like minded people have a bit banter and watch our dogs run


Mhoptons dog ran well and I liked what I seen of it and hopefully we will get another night out before season ends

Atb jcm

Edited by jcm
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It was cracking night sport Jcm but I've seen them fields wet but not like that with all the rain then snow then rain and snow again just not draining away . I was happy with the the outcome and more so with the two dogs had to work extra hard to get the rabbits in the conditions Bering in mind both dogs are under 21" worst part about it is I left blades coat at home and he was hugging the walls but 8 each with really good catches blade taking 3 off the seat at distance good night with cracking company in Jcm top bloke atb Mark

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